2023/12/18 We disentangle geometry and texture in Neural Texture Puppeteer and show that neural rendering enables re-identification at interactive speed. [arXiv, code, video]
Official Code Release for the ACCV'22 paper "Neural Puppeteer: Keypoint-Based Neural Rendering of Dynamic Shapes"
Project Page | Paper | Supplementary | Data
We introduce Neural Puppeteer, an efficient neural rendering pipeline for articulated shapes. By inverse rendering, we can predict 3D keypoints from multi-view 2D silhouettes alone, without requiring texture information. Furthermore, we can easily predict 3D keypoints of the same class of shapes with one and the same trained model and generalize more easily from training with synthetic data which we demonstrate by successfully applying zero-shot synthetic to real-world experiments. We demonstrate the flexibility of our method by fitting models to synthetic videos of different animals and a human, and achieve quantitative results which outperform our baselines. Our method uses 3D keypoints in conjunction with individual local feature vectors and a global latent code to allow for an efficient representation of time-varying and articulated shapes such as humans and animals. In contrast to previous work, we do not perform reconstruction in the 3D domain, but project the 3D features into 2D cameras and perform reconstruction of 2D RGB-D images from these projected features, which is significantly faster than volumetric rendering. Our synthetic dataset will be publicly available, to further develop the evolving field of animal pose and shape reconstruction.
All experiments with NePu were run using CUDA version 11.6 and the official pytorch docker image nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:22.02-py3
, as published by nvidia here. Additionally, you will need to install the imageio
Alternatively, we provide the nepu_env.yaml
file that holds all python requirements for this project. To conveniently install them automatically with anaconda you can use:
conda env create -f nepu_env.yaml
conda activate nepu
You find our synthetic data sets here. Download and extract all folders. Copy all four extracted folders to ./data/
To train NePu, please run:
python train.py -exp_name EXP_NAME -cfg_file CFG_FILE -data DATA_TYPE
where the CFG_FILE
is the path to a .yaml
-file specifiying the configurations, like this one here. DATA_TYPE
can be one of the categories of our synthetic dataset, namely giraffes, pigeons, cows, humans
To render multiple views of the test set, run:
python test.py -exp_name EXP_NAME -checkpoint CKPT -data DATA_TYPE
where CKPT
specifies the epoch of the trained weights and the other command line arguments are the same as above.
TODO: novel views
For our inverse-rendering-based 3D keypoint detection run:
python sil2kps.py -exp_name EXP_NAME -checkpoint CKPT -cams CAM_IDS -data DATA_TYPE
where CAM_IDS
spcifies the views used for 3D keypoint detection and the other command line arguments are the same as above.
You find our pretrained models here. Download and copy them to ./experiments/EXP_NAME/checkpoints/
For questions, comments and to discuss ideas please contact {Urs Waldmann, Simon Giebenhain, Ole Johannsen}
via firstname.lastname (at] uni-konstanz {dot| de
author={Giebenhain, Simon and Waldmann, Urs and Johannsen, Ole and Goldluecke, Bastian},
title={Neural Puppeteer: Keypoint-Based Neural Rendering of Dynamic Shapes},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)},