This README supercedes any others in this project tree.
Mobile Connect PHP SDK is designed to help developers quickly bootstrap their own solutions by seeing how it works and what is required.
Recommended Setup
PHP 5.3.*
Composer 1.0
PHPUnit 4.8.*
Apache 2.*
To install the SDK you will need to download and install Composer, visit their website for more details -
You will also need a GitHub Authentication token to import the dependencies of this project. You can obtain a GitHub Authentication token from you GitHub account settings.
Change directory into the project locally on your development box.
Check and ensure that you have PHP and Apache (or your favorite web server) configured to run the mobile-connect-demo on your server.
If you wish to have PHP SDK Demo as your server root, you may configue it thus, as with Apache configuration:
DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/code/php-sdk-v1/mobile-connect-demo/src/main"
Installing the PHP server side SDK:
Standing in the project folder, change directory to mobile-connect-sdk.
Issue the command:
php composer.phar install
This will import all the dependencies for the server side SDK.
Installing the PHP client side SDK:
Standing in the project folder, change directory to mobile-connect-demo.
Issue the command:
php composer.phar install
This will import all the dependencies for the client side SDK.
Start your webserver
Go to the URL you configured for the PHP SDK Demo. For example if configured to be server root:
Your page should load and the application will run against Mobile Connect Developer Portal Sandbox with default credentials.
You can change credentials to yours in the App.php file in the demo tree: /LOCALROOT/php-sdk-v1/mobile-connect-demo/src/main/utils
Any issues, please send us a message here:
Enjoy using Mobile Connect!