- 🌱 I’m interested in working with projects in Elixir and Python
- ⚡ Worked with Elixir and LiveView as part of my summer internship
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- How I got the same offer as Code4GovTech'23 and balanced my end-semester exams during the application process
- My concluding thoughts on interning at Tech4Dev using Elixir, during the summer of '23
A summary of my work: (a PPT, if that's what you'd prefer):
Glific is an app to mainly automate conversation flows for NGOs. My project was the internal dashboard, which helped NGOs summarize and visualize their impact
- Built a Glific API to edit approved templates
- Added charts and tables to help NGOs visualize their impact and data
- Realized the need for, and took initiative to convert the charts to a new library 'ContEx', optimizing the backend
- Developed a feature to export chart data in the CSV format
- Developed functionality to filter charts for particular date ranges.