A website for you to find the places for watching sunrises, sunsets, and night sky around Madison.
🌅 🌆 🌠
Precise Location: ✅
Weather Information: ✅
Photo Description: ✅
User Comments: ✅
As for January 20, 2023, the following links are no longer valid for use. I develop this application on a free-tier Heroku plan, which is no more available.
Simplified Chinese Version (Best View): Click Here
English Version (Translated by Google, style a bit altered): Click Here
Check out the corresponding project page for a preview here.
Database Management: MongoDB
Front-end Styling: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap as the framework.
Back-end Server: Node.js (express as the framework), Javascript
Project is: in progress. I'm still planning to add more features.
Room for improvement:
- Allow users to comment with picutres
- Add an official English version for this website
To do:
- Tweak the database setting.
- Translate the webpage and apply JQuery methods
- This project was based on an Udemy course.
- Many thanks to Colt for his wonderful instructions, Cloudinary for the free cloud quota, visualcrossing for the weather API service.
Created by Haitao Huang - feel free to contact me!