This project is a front-end web application for a fictional fast-food restaurant called Friedshop, developed with ReactJS. It allows users to browse the menu, place orders, and track their status. The application is live at
- Menu browsing: The application displays the different dishes available, including descriptions, prices, photos, and categories.
- Order placement: Users can choose the dishes they want and add them to their cart. They can then checkout and choose a payment method (credit card, PayPal, or cash).
- Order tracking: The application allows users to track their order status in real-time, from preparation to delivery. Users can also view their order history.
- Account creation: Users can create an account to streamline the ordering process and access additional features, like saving delivery addresses and viewing invoices.
- Authentication: Users can log in to their accounts to access their personal information and modify preferences.
- Reviews and ratings: Users can leave reviews on the dishes they have ordered and see reviews from other users.
- ReactJS
- Redux ToolKit
- Bootstrap 5
This project is under the MIT license.
- This project is still under development.
- Feel free to contribute by opening issues or pull requests.
- GitHub repository:
- Live application:
- ReactJS documentation:
- Redux tutorial:
- Integrate a notification system for users when an order is ready or in transit.
- Implement a loyalty program to reward returning customers.
- Add the ability to order by phone or through a mobile application.
This README file is a good starting point for your project. Feel free to complete and modify it according to your needs.