The electron-builder project is used to create installers for the platforms Windows and OS X. It's built to work together with the electron-packager.
If you are looking for a complete set up on how to use the electron-packager and electron-builder check the "How we use it section below".
The project has currently only been executed on OS X machines. Any support or help for Windows is welcome.
You can go the global installation route. ;)
$ npm install -g electron-builder
Oooooor... You can wrap electron-builder
with npm scripts
to not have a global dependency.
# install electron builder as a dependency of your project
$ npm install --save electron-builder
After that you can easily use the electron-builder
binary in your npm scripts
part of package.json
"scripts" : {
"pack:osx": "npm run build:osx && electron-builder \"dist/osx/Loopline\" --platform=osx --out=\"dist/osx\" --config=packager.json"
If you're on OS X/Linux and want to build for Windows, you need Wine installed. Wine is required in order to set the correct icon for the exe.
You will also need the nullsoft scriptable install system for all platforms.
On OS X, via Homebrew
$ brew install wine makensis
On Ubuntu(-based) Linux distributions, via apt:
# add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa -y
# apt-get update
# apt-get install wine nsis -y
On Windows, download the nullsoft scriptable installer
If you're on OS X/Linux and want to build for Windows, make also sure you're running at least v0.12.0
of node.js.
$ node --version
$ electron-builder dist/osx/ --platform=osx --out=/some/path/ --config=config.json
$ electron-builder dist/win/someFancy-win32 --platform=win --out=/some/path/ --config=config.json
$ electron-builder <sourcedir> --platform=<platform> --config=<configPath> --out=<outputPath>
Required options:
platform: win, osx
config: path to config file
Optional options:
out: path to output the installer (must exist)
Because the configuration is fairly complex we decided to go with a good old config file for now. You will find a sample config file below.
"osx" : {
"title": "Loopline Systems",
"background": "assets/osx/installer.png",
"icon": "assets/osx/mount.icns",
"icon-size": 80,
"contents": [
{ "x": 438, "y": 344, "type": "link", "path": "/Applications" },
{ "x": 192, "y": 344, "type": "file" }
"win" : {
"title" : "Loopline Systems",
"version" : "x.x.x.x",
"icon" : "assets/win/icon.ico",
"nsiTemplate" : "path/to/custom/installer.nsi.tpl"
Title of the generated dmg
Background of the dmg
Your application mount icon.
Sizes of the icons included in dmg
This property contains the configuration for the OSX dmg window. This property is passed to appdmg
, which builds the dmg package. For a deeper explanation of the different options that you can set in this property, visit appdmg
's page.
Title of your application shown in generated windows installer.
Version of your application shown in add/remove programs list.
Icon to be shown in installation process.
Option to define a custom NSI installation file.
Note: You need to add something that might have value for others? Please consider a PR. ;)
When you run npm run pack
it will create executables for the platforms Windows and OS X inside of the dist
directory. It grabs the generated executables afterwards to create the installers out of it.
directory structure
|-- app // actual electron application
|-- assets // build related assets
|-- osx // build assets for OS X
|-- installer.png // -> referenced in packager.json ( dmg background )
|-- mount.icns // -> use by electron-packager ( actual app icon )
|-- loopline.icns // -> referenced in packager.json ( dmg background )
|-- win // build assets for Windows
|-- icon.ico // -> referenced in packager.json
|-- dist // out put folder
|-- osx // generated executables for OS X
|-- Loopline
|-- Loopline Systems.dmg
|-- win // generated executables for Windows
|-- Loopline Systems-win32
|-- Loopline Systems Setup.exe
|-- package.json
|-- packager.json
"name": "loopline-desktop",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"dev": "electron ./app",
"clean": "rm -rf ./dist",
"clean:osx": "rm -rf ./dist/osx",
"clean:win": "rm -rf ./dist/win",
"build": "npm run clean && npm run build:osx && npm run build:win",
"build:osx": "npm run clean:osx && electron-packager ./app \"Loopline Systems\" --out=dist/osx --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.25.3 --icon=assets/osx/loopline.icns",
"build:win": "npm run clean:win && electron-packager ./app \"Loopline Systems\" --out=dist/win --platform=win32 --arch=ia32 --version=0.25.3 --icon=assets/win/icon.ico",
"pack": "npm run pack:osx && npm run pack:win",
"pack:osx": "npm run build:osx && electron-builder \"dist/osx/Loopline\" --platform=osx --out=\"dist/osx\" --config=packager.json",
"pack:win": "npm run build:win && electron-builder \"dist/win/Loopline Systems-win32\" --platform=win --out=\"dist/win\" --config=packager.json"
"dependencies": {
"electron-packager": "^4.0.2",
"electron-prebuilt": "^0.25.2",
"electron-builder": "^1.0.0"
Important note for windows users: If the build process throws an error like "rm" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
you may want to use windows counter part rmdir
or rimraf
(cross platform) to clean up the distribution folder.
"osx" : {
"title": "Loopline Systems",
"background": "assets/osx/installer.png",
"icon": "assets/osx/mount.icns",
"icon-size": 80,
"contents": [
{ "x": 438, "y": 344, "type": "link", "path": "/Applications" },
{ "x": 192, "y": 344, "type": "file" }
"win" : {
"title" : "Loopline Systems",
"icon" : "assets/win/icon.ico"
You want to help out and have ideas to make it better? Great!
Create an issue and we will tackle it.
If you decide to propose a pull request ( even better ) make sure npm test
is succeeding.
For releases we like to give release names via adj-noun. You'll find proper release notes here.