AskForLeave is a simple vacation tool for small startups. It is done by Google Form + Spreadsheets with lots of formulas. You can add Google Apps Scripts to integrate with Google Calendar, Slack, ...
- Copy the sample spreadsheet: ask-for-leave template
- Create a form like this: , screenshot:
- Link the form to our copied spreadsheet. There will be a newly created sheet in your spreadsheet. You MUST set the sheet name into your
- From the menu in the spreadsheet, click Tools > Script Editor...
- In the script editor, patch the vacation code using the updated in
(Include all correct configurations. For more detail, see below.) - From the menu in the script editor, choose Resources > Current project's triggers and add the script vacation as a trigger of form submission.
All configurations are stored on the top of
- For Google Calendar integration, setting
- For Slack integration, setting both
(WIP) Yes, you can create a sheet called imported
, and use the same data format of the data
- Aki Chiu
- Even Wu for the logo of dayoff bot
- Liang-Bin Hsueh
- Mosky
- Paris Tsai
- Vikky Huang for the logo of VacationHQ organization
- Yuren Ju
MIT License.