#My Annotation Merger
Gate Plug-in for merging annotations. Annotations can be merged by the type of an annotation, all or specific set of features.
A structure of directories:
+-- src/
| put all your Java sources in here.
+-- resources/
| any external files used by your plugin (e.g. configuration files,
| JAPE grammars, gazetteer lists, etc.) go in here.
+-- build.xml
| Ant build file for building your plugin.
+-- build.properties
| property definitions that control the build process go in here,
| in particular, make sure that gate.home points to your copy of GATE.
+-- creole.xml
plugin configuration file for GATE - edit this to add parameters, etc.,
for your resources.
To build your plugin you can use Ant: ant jar
This will compile the Java code and package the classes into a JAR file. The
build file also has a target to create JavaDoc documentation - ant javadoc
If you run Ant without any arguments it will build everything in one pass.
The build process creates additional files and directories:
+-- classes/
| compiled classes are placed in here.
+-- doc/
| +-- javadoc/
+-- myAnnotationMerger.jar