Progressive Open-Source SASS solution for small and large businesses working in WEB!!1!1
Credits to:
- 1x RaspberryPi3/4 (or any other computer e.g. your old ass laptop)
- 1x Any camera (I use AOKIN)
- 1x Wifi male-male cable (but you can use Wifi it's up to you)
Actually the whole script and a web-server is nothing serious, also it does not require to install any side packages - pure Python only. But depending on your configuration (hardware, software, wlan, etc) there might be some minor inconvenients.
Enough talking let's working!
You have to enable your camera in settings, so
sudo raspi-config
- Interface Options -> Legacy Camera -> Enable
Also enable VNC protocol in the same menu
sudo raspi-config
- Interface Options -> VNC -> Enable
Now you can check that your camera is connected and visible to pi:
vcgencmd get_camera
If everything is fine you should see something like that: supported=1 detected=1, libcamera interfaces=0
Also, you may check, that your camera is actually taking pictures:
raspistill -o img1.jpg
The image will be stored in /home/pi/
You can download this picture via scp from your computer
scp [email protected]:/home/pi/img1.jpg .
Where pi - username, pi.local - raspberrypi ip address, . - your current dir
python3 /home/pi/video-stream/
You may pass these step, but if you want your website work after rebooting - don't miss it.
- Add this line right to the bottom of the file /home/pi/.profile
sudo pkill -f "python3" #kill another python process
sudo python3 /home/pi/video-stream/ #run the app/server
- Just to be sure that our above code is working
sudo reboot now
- You are done.
Now if you reboot or unplug your pi - it will restart the website by itself.
Few images of how it is working (Yes I know it's ugly as hell!).