This API has been created for learning purposes. It has been designed for maximum flexibility. Here are the rules:
You may create as many endpoints as you wish, but each must be prefixed with your username, followed by the name of your endpoint:{{username}}/{{endpoint}}/
You may name your endpoint anything you want, and if it doesn't exist, it will be created. Each endpoint is analogous to a table.
Each of your endpoints can store any field that you wish, however there are a few special naming conventions that you should use if you want your data to be treated as an image or as an audio file:
- Images: any key that is prefaced with an image_ string will be treated as an image.
- Audio: any key that is prefaced with an audio_ string will be treated as an audio file.
- heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=XXXXX
- heroku config:set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=XXXX
- heroku config:set AWS_S3_BUCKET=XXXXXXXX
- heroku config:set BLITLINE_API_KEY=XXXXX
- Images Endpoint
- Audio Endpoint
- Comments Endpoint
- Contacts Endpoint: done
- YouTube Endpoint: done
- Other endpoints for the class brainstorm:
- character / world DB
- landmarks
- game reviews
- street art
- geo
- lyrics
- library of resources
- surf reviews // discussion board