Chef cookbook for installing and managing Netflix's Exhibitor, a co-process for Apache Zookeeper.
In particular, two key attribute hashes drive this cookbook.
The first is node['exhibitor']['cli']
, which specifies command-line options
that will be used when Exhibitor is run. Some are necessary, and in particular
the defaults provided will ensure Exhibitor is able to run.
The second is node['exhibitor']['config']
, which manages the configuration
parameters that get rendered to the
file. The defaults
are sane starting values.
We recommend running exhibitor::default
to get a basic, default setup of
Exhibitor going, as well as calling exhibitor::service
if you want the
service to boot up in the same run. These recipes are split for workflows
within, for example, AMI pipelines.
More documentation to come. Please see the Exhibitor docs for more information on the specifics of running Exhibitor.
Simple Finance [email protected]
Apache License, Version 2.0