This project seeks to provide an initial structure for developers to work with Kong API Gateway in a Kubernetes cluster. This structure can be used to design, develop, and deploy microservices architectures in a local development environment. Nonetheless, it is a fresh and minimal environment perfect for learning about Kong API Gateway.
- Local Kubernetes cluster: use Kind to deploy a single node cluster.
- Kong API Gateway with declarative configuration: deploy Kong OSS 2.6 with a database using Helm. The Admin API will be exposed through a ClusterIP, and a Pod containing decK will sync the local configuration file to Kong.
- Learn about Kong API Gateway: I believe that an API Gateway enables different kinds of architectures and Kong seems to offer a myriad of tools to both Free and Enterprise editions. Also, Kong allows developers to create custom plugins using Go, and I want to explore it.
- Teach about Kubernetes: this document assumes readers have previous knowledge of the orchestrator.
- Production configuration: this project is meant to be used for local development and personal projects. Although I have plans to elaborate a production-ready Kong and Kuberenetes environment.
- Load Balancers: I will rely on NodePorts because I do not want to add complexity to my local environment.
kind create cluster --config kind.yaml
It will expose the ports 8000
and 8443
on the running machine that are going to forward the HTTP requests to Kong's proxy.
docker-compose up -d
kubectl apply -f postgres/
helm repo add kong
helm repo update
helm install -n kong --create-namespace api-gateway kong/kong --set ingressController.installCRDs=false --values kong/values.yaml
Finally, check http://localhost:8000/mock
in your browser