Prometheus metrics exporter for S3 Storage
access_key: "optional-your-access-key"
secret_key: "optional-your-secret-key"
bucket: "bucket-name"
- "*.zip"
- "backup"
- "nextcloudbackup"
You can omit access_key
and secret_key
to use credentials from
environment settings, see the Boto3 documentation for more info.
If you would like metrics on objects in the root of the bucket use an empty folder, i.e.:
- ""
If you would like to cut results (i.e. w/o subfolders) use delimiter within pattern, see AWS docs for explanations, for example:
- "some/long/path"
delimiter: "/"
Metrics will be available at http://localhost:9327
# HELP s3_latest_file_timestamp Last modified timestamp(milliseconds) for latest file in folder
# TYPE s3_latest_file_timestamp gauge
s3_latest_file_timestamp{bucket="bucket-name",folder="backup"} 1519524066157.0
# HELP s3_oldest_file_timestamp Last modified timestamp(milliseconds) for oldest file in folder
# TYPE s3_oldest_file_timestamp gauge
s3_oldest_file_timestamp{bucket="bucket-name",folder="backup"} 1519005663854.0
# HELP s3_latest_file_size Size in bytes for latest file in folder
# TYPE s3_latest_file_size gauge
s3_latest_file_size{bucket="bucket-name",folder="backup"} 290355072.0
# HELP s3_oldest_file_size Size in bytes for latest file in folder
# TYPE s3_oldest_file_size gauge
s3_oldest_file_size{bucket="bucket-name",folder="backup"} 281699347.0
# HELP s3_file_count Numbeer of existing files in folder
# TYPE s3_file_count gauge
s3_file_count{bucket="bucket-name", folder="backup"} 7.0
# HELP s3_success Displays whether or not the listing of S3 was a success
# TYPE s3_success gauge
s3_success{bucket="bucket-name",folder="backup"} 1.0
- Alert for time of latest backup. This example checks if backup is created every day (< 30h)
- name: host.rules
- alert: backup_is_too_old
expr: (time()) - s3_latest_file_timestamp > 108000
for: 5m
severity: critical
description: Backup too old. Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }}.
summary: Backup too old
- Alert for size of latest backup. This example checks latest backup file created has minimum size of 1MB
- alert: backup_size_is_too_small
expr: s3_latest_file_size < 1000000
for: 5m
severity: critical
description: Backup size too small. Reported by instance {{ $labels.instance }}.
summary: Backup size too small
pip install -r app/requirements.txt
aws-profile -p prod/vault python app/ config/config.yml
docker run -p 9327:9327 -v ./config:/config jamotion/s3-exporter
Currently the code will not be reloaded when it changes, so run the container interactively:
docker-compose run --service-ports s3
Then run the Python exporter process:
python /config/config.yml