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OpenEuropa template for Drupal 8 projects

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Please note: this repository contains code that is necessary to generate a new Drupal 8 project, please read carefully this Do not clone this repository.

You need to have the following software installed on your local development environment:

How do I get my new OpenEuropa project codebase?

First of all choose carefully the name of your new project, it should respect the following convention:


After that contact the QA team, they will create for you a new repository at:<dg-name>-<project-id>-reference

Then generate your new Drupal 8 project codebase by running the following command:

docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/var/www/html -w /var/www/html fpfis/httpd-php-dev:7.3 composer create-project vever001/drupal-site-template --stability=dev --remove-vcs <dg-name>-<project-id>-reference

This will download this starterkit into the <dg-name>-<project-id>-reference folder and a wizard will ask you for the project name and your organisation. It will use this information to personalize your project's configuration files.

The installer will then download all dependencies for the project. This process takes several minutes. At the end you will be asked whether to remove the existing version history. It is recommended to confirm this question so that you can start your project with a clean slate.

After completing the command above you can push the content of <dg-name>-<project-id>-reference to the GitHub repository created for you by the QA team.

Ok, I've got my codebase, what should I do now?

  1. The steps to get your new site up and running can be found in <dg-name>-<project-id>-reference/
  2. Check the OpenEuropa Documentation for a list of available components, best practices, etc.
  3. Make sure you master the concepts of Configuration Management and the related development workflow in Drupal 8.

Should I clone this GitHub project?

No, this repository will only generate your new project's codebase, you then need to push the generated codebase to a dedicated repository, as explained above.


Template for EC Agency sites.









  • PHP 86.5%
  • Gherkin 12.1%
  • Shell 1.4%