Starting in 2017 the team 76209 made steady progress in their robotic skills. Various team members participated in local competitions in Bangkok and Taipei. Went 3 times to VEX World in the US. And started the National Vietnamese Competition, that was held 4 times already. The team number changed to 1599 in 2023.
To avoid confusion the REC foundation renamed the VEX V5 competition to V5RC. And SSIS is ready again. First scrimmage on October 5h.
VEX is getting momentum. The number of teams representing Vietnam is doubled, now 4 teams can fly to Dallas. SSIS changed the team number to 1599, and had a total of 8 teams participating in the Southern Championship. The attendance there more than doubled with 34 teams competing.
Our first Middle School team ever in VEX! With their own repository team 76209M Mission Impossible built 4 different robots and successfully participated in VEX Worlds in Dallas April 2023. The HS teams are 76209R Raccoons, 76209G Honey Badgers, 76209X Egg, 76209D Kangaroos. More details in this repository. Contributions from @flooof.
Starting only virtual for half a year we improved our programming skills and got 14th in World Ranking for the Virtual Competition. Programs from the second part are in this repository. Contributions from @vindr22.
No digital document, but in a summer camp of a week students built 5 working robots. And won the National Championship!
Some programs written by Son Nguyen document the programming in C++ like documented in the motion profile program from January 7th, 2020.
More extensive is the VEX-TowerTakeover repository with coding, building and documentation files. Written by @SonNguyen415, @khanhnguyen21, @JMecham, @seanthesandile and @sekim20.