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Streaming volumetric video captured with Depthkit

Casey Pugh edited this page Dec 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

Table of contents:

  1. What is Depthkit?
  2. Installation
  3. Capture and upload to Vimeo
  4. Stream volumetric video from Vimeo into Unity
    1. Setting up Unity
    2. Streaming volumetric video
  5. Advanced settings
    1. AVPro Video
    2. Adaptive streaming

Depthkit & Vimeo

Moose in Unity

Depthkit is a next-generation creative toolset for volumetric filmmaking.

This document describes the process of how you can upload your volumetric video, shot with Depthkit to Vimeo and stream it directly into a Unity app.

With Depthkit, you can create vivid experiences for VR, AR, and any immersive media using familiar film and video production workflows. By combining depth with full motion video, Depthkit unlocks the power to bring the real-world into interactive 3D environments.


In order to stream volumetric video from Vimeo 🕺 you will need the following:

Capture and upload to Vimeo

To get started you would need a Depthkit volumetric video and metadata file. Head over to Depthkit to learn more about how to capture or use our sample asset. Once you have that, head over to Vimeo and upload your volumetric video.

Open the additional metadata text file produced by Depthkit in any text editor (e.g TextEdit or Notepad) and copy-paste it's content into the Vimeo video description, you can do that while the video is still uploading. Don't forget to hit save.

Metadata inside the video description

Stream volumetric video from Vimeo into Unity

Setting up your Unity scene

Start by importing the Vimeo SDK and the Depthkit Unity Plugin. Our plugin supports both AVPro and the native Unity video player, so if you want to use AVPro Video (which we recommend) import the AVPro Video package as well. For the purposes of this jam, we are going to create a bare-bones scene that streams a single Depthkit capture from Vimeo into your Unity experience, cool

Create a new Vimeo Player by right-clicking your project and selecting video

Creating HoloPlay Capture from the right-click menu

In the new [VimeoPlayer] GameObject you should see a Get Token button which will open up the browser and help you generate a secure Vimeo API token

Generate an access token

Insert your new token and sign in to your account. Next up, click the Video Player drop-down menu and select Depthkit as the player

Select Depthkit video player

Right-click your project hierarchy and select Depthkit/Depthkit Clip

Create a new Depthkit Clip GameObject

Now attach your new Depthkit Clip GameObject to the [VimeoPlayer] by dragging it over the Depthkit Clip empty slot or using the file browser

Attaching your Depthkit Clip to the Vimeo Player

Streaming volumetric video

We are done setting up! all you need to do now is select the volumetric video you want to stream from the Vimeo Video drop-down and hit play. If everything went according to plan, it should like this

Moose in Unity

Advanced settings

Using AVPro Video

If you are interested in using AVPro Video to playback the volumetric video, simply head over to the Depthkit Clip GameObject and select AV Pro Video as the Video Player. The Vimeo Player will adapt to that selection and playback through AVPro.

Using AVPro Video

Adaptive streaming

Adaptive streaming currently works on AVPro for macOS / iOS and Android. To enable adaptive streaming simply head over to the [VimeoPlayer] GameObject and in the Resolution drop-down menu select Adaptive.

Using adpative streaming