Simple keyboard case generator module/plugin for openSCAD which can be used for laser cutters
- Copy raw data of your keyboard layout from
- Paste them in Plate & Case Builder
- Press "Draw my CAD!"
- Download .dxf file to folder with keyboard.scad module and save dimensions of your .dxf file
- Customize your case in openSCAD
- finger_margin (length) - distance from inside edge to first finger
- kerf (diameter) - Cutting kerf (rendering will be offset by half this)
- holes (array) - Where to place rivet holes
- hole_dia (length) - Diameter of rivet holes
- Press F6 for render and export it
include <keyboard.scad> //import module/plugin
w = 228.602; //width of .dxf
h = 76.202; //height of .dxf
d = 20; //height of the case, inner height will be d-2*thickness (20-2*3=14mm), because d = height of the case
keyboard(file="planck.dxf", //name of your .dxf file
width = w, //width of .dxf file
height = d, //height of .dxf file
depth = h, //height of the case
finger_width = 20, //width of "fingers"
thickness = 3, //thickness of material
padding=10, //padding between edge and .dxf file
assemble = false, //false for exporting to .dxf, true for 3d model of case
labels = false //labels