A Workshop on 3D GIS stack (Horao, PostGIS 3D, Cuardo 3D web client)
This workshop is a work from Oslandia's team, and has been setup initially for FOSS4G 2014 ( http://www.foss4g.org ).
Feel free to contact us for more information, training sessions or development on these software :
- Web : http://www.oslandia.com
- Blog : http://www.oslandia.com/articles.html
- Mail : [email protected]
- Twitter : @Oslandia_en and @Oslandia_fr (french)
This workshop focus on the recent developments in the field of opensource 3D GIS. It features a few software components :
- QGIS : the famous desktop GIS application
- PostGIS : the well known database, with 3D additions
- Horao : a 3D OpenGL viewer, with a QGIS plugin and PostGIS 3D support
- MapServer Mapcache : a map caching server
- MapServer TinyOWS : a vector data server, with PostGIS and 3D support
- Cuardo, a 3D web client and library, to display 3D data in a browser, based on WebGL and Three.js
You can follow the workshop through the various steps of each module :
- data : get the data in shape
- analysis : use the OpenGL viewer, and make some 3D analysis
- webgl : display 3D in a browser
In each module, steps are marked with a number, allowing you to follow easily the whole training session.
This workshop is designed to be run on a Linux Operating System. Ubuntu 14.04 is preferred. You will need a good graphic card, and if you use a virtual machine, it is better to have 3D acceleration activated and working in the guest OS, as well as guest extensions installed.
To follow this workshop, you will need to have the abovementionned elements installed.
You can use a VirtualBox image with all software already installed and setup, or you can choose to install them yourself. See below for installation instructions.
Install Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr LTS
Once installed, we will need a few packages :
sudo apt-get install git wget gdal-bin unzip pgadmin3
To install QGIS, use latest stable Ubuntu packages from the QGIS project :
As root (sudo -s) :
echo "deb http://qgis.org/debian trusty main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qgis.list
apt-get update
apt-get install qgis python-qgis
To install horao on Ubuntu Trusty, you have to compile it
sudo apt-get install python-qt4 python-qt4-sql libboost-dev cmake libgdal-dev libpq-dev libopenscenegraph-dev liblwgeom-dev pyqt4-dev-tools libproj-dev libgdal1-dev build-essential
mkdir build && cd build
git clone https://github.com/Oslandia/horao.git
cd horao
cmake .
make && sudo make install
# activate qgis plugins
mkdir -p ~/.qgis2/python/plugins
cd ~/.qgis2/python/plugins/
ln -s ~/build/horao/qgis_plugin
We use the 3DCityDB CityGML PostGIS importer, which is a java software.
Make sure you have Java installed
sudo apt-get install default-jre
wget http://www.3dcitydb.net/3dcitydb/fileadmin/downloaddata/3DCityDB-Importer-Exporter-1.6-postgis-Setup.jar
java -jar 3DCityDB-Importer-Exporter-1.6-postgis-Setup.jar
Follow the GUI to install the importer.
Once installed, check that the importer can be run :
If the jar file seems corrupt, check its md5 sum : 88c44aa25003c21155fb4b05e5e3b4dd
To install all server-side components, we use a Docker container, featuring all necessary bits for this workshop.
Make sure you have Docker installed :
sudo apt-get install docker.io
Make a shared local folder :
mkdir -p data/cache data/restore data/www
chmod -R 777 data
Put the database dump you want to restore in data/restore. See the data module to retrieve a database dump.
cp lyon.sql data/restore/
Download and run the container in your Ubuntu OS :
sudo docker.io run --rm -p 5432:5432 -p 80:80 -v ~/data:/data --name 3dgis_test oslandia/3dgis /sbin/my_init
You should now be able to access PostGIS through your localhost Ubuntu (credentials pggis/pggis) :
psql -h localhost -U pggis -d pggis
And you have access to the web server as well :
- Apache on http://localhost
- Mapcache on http://localhost/mapcache
- Tinyows on http://localhost/cgi-bin/tinyows
You are now ready to follow the workshop.
If you have trouble with the Docker container downloaded, or if you want to change the setup, you can rebuild the image yourself. Follow these steps.
git clone https://github.com/vpicavet/docker-pggis.git
cd docker-pggis
sudo docker.io build -t oslandia/pggis .
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/vpicavet/docker-3dgis.git
cd docker-3dgis
sudo docker.io build -t oslandia/3dgis .
Then follow the steps from previous chapter (docker.io run).
If running the container gives you an infinit number of "...", then you probably hit the mysterious Docker bug we are investigating on. One workaround to get the container work currently is deleting all Docker images and containers, then rebuilding both docker-pggis and docker-3dgis locally.
If you have trouble with the Docker container, see the previous paragraph, and look at the documentation and issues on GitHub.
You can report issues with this workshop on this GitHub's repository issue tracker.