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Lightwave Directory Password Policy

Sriram Nambakam edited this page Nov 22, 2016 · 5 revisions

Lightwave Directory Password Policy

Default Password Policy

  • Every tenant (domain) in the Lightwave Directory includes a password policy object.
  • The password policy object is located at distinguished name "CN=password and lockout policy" relative to the tenant domain object.
  • The password policy object comprises of the following attributes.
Password Strength Attribute Default Value Applicable to Notes
vmwPasswordMinLength 5 Users, Administrators Miminum length of password
vmwPasswordMaxLength 20 Users, Administrators Maximum length of password
vmwPasswordMinAlphabeticCount 2 Users, Administrators Minimum number of alphabetic characters
vmwPasswordMinUpperCaseCount 1 Users, Administrators Minimum number of upper case characters
vmwPasswordMinLowerCaseCount 1 Users, Administrators Minimum number of lower case characters
vmwPasswordMinNumericCount 1 Users, Administrators Minimum number of numeric characters
vmwPasswordMinSpecialCharCount 1 Users, Administrators Minimum number of special characters
vmwPasswordMaxIdenticalAdjacentChars 3 Users, Administrators Maximum number of identitically adjacent characters
vmwPasswordProhibitedPreviousCount 5 Users, Administrators Number of entries in password history

Password special character set

# Character
1 '~'
2 '!'
3 '@'
4 '#'
5 '$'
7 '%'
8 '^'
9 '&'
10 '*'
11 '_'
12 '-'
13 '+'
14 '='
15 '`'
16 '|'
17 '\'
18 '('
19 ')'
20 '{'
21 '}'
22 '['
23 ']'
24 ':'
25 ';'
26 '"'
27 ''
28 '<'
29 '>'
30 ','
31 '.'
32 '?'
33 '/'

Default Account lockout policy

Lockout policy attribute Default value Applicable to Notes
vmwPasswordLifetimeDays 90 User Value of 0 implies password never expires
vmwPasswordChangeMaxFailedAttempts 5 User Number of failed login attempts within vmwPasswordChangeFailedAttemptIntervalSec that will cause an account lockout
vmwPasswordChangeFailedAttemptIntervalSec 180 User Interval in seconds between consecutive failed login attempts
vmwPasswordChangeAutoUnlockIntervalSec 300 User Time in seconds to wait for account to unlock itself after getting locked out

How to query password policy stored in the Lightwave Directory?

Password policy objects can be searched in Lightwave Directory (on a Lightwave Domain Controller) as follows:

$> ldapsearch -h localhost -p 389 -x -D "cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=photon,dc=local" -W -b "" -s subtree "objectclass=vmwPasswordPolicy"

dn: cn=password and lockout policy,dc=photon,dc=local
vmwPasswordProhibitedPreviousCount: 5
vmwPasswordLifetimeDays: 90
vmwPasswordMaxLength: 20
vmwPasswordMinLength: 5
vmwPasswordMinAlphabeticCount: 2
vmwPasswordMinUpperCaseCount: 1
vmwPasswordMinLowerCaseCount: 1
vmwPasswordMinNumericCount: 1
vmwPasswordMinSpecialCharCount: 1
vmwPasswordMaxIdenticalAdjacentChars: 3
vmwPasswordChangeMaxFailedAttempts: 5
vmwPasswordChangeFailedAttemptIntervalSec: 180
vmwPasswordChangeAutoUnlockIntervalSec: 300
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