- [Weighted Loadbalancing for Canary Deployment](docs/user-guide/component/ingress/weighted.md)
- [Customize generated HAProxy config via BackendRule](docs/user-guide/component/ingress/backend-rule.md)
- [Add Custom Annotation to LoadBalancer Service and Pods](docs/user-guide/component/ingress/annotations.md)
- TLS tickets are disabled to ensure forward secrecy
- Multiple replicas of HAProxy can be run using `ingress.appscode.com/replicas` annotation on ingress. If not set, this defaults to 1.
- Instead of ReplicationController, Voyager now used Deployments with `LoadBalancer` type ingress.
- A new mode called `NodePort` has been added that exposes HAProxy using a `NodePort` type service. This can be used in bare metal cluster to provide fault tolerance.
- Daemon type has been renamed to HostPort in docs. If you have an existing `Daemon` type ingress, it will continue to work.
- HAProxy version has been upgraded to 1.7.5
- Base image for voyager pod has been updated to alpine.
- Update of ingress resources are handled such that unnecessary updates to firewalls are avoided with cloud providers like `aws`, `gce`, `gke` and `azure`.