This is the process to create a digital map that shows selected "amenities" where the public can sit down and access LinkNYC Wifi in New York City.
I have used NYC Open Data, CARTO, and the open-source Overpass API that uses data from Open Street Map.
LinkNYC is a first-of-its-kind communications network that will replace over 7,500 pay phones across the five boroughs with new structures called Links. Each Link provides superfast, free public Wi-Fi, phone calls, device charging and a tablet for access to city services, maps and directions.
LINK-NYC location data -
- This from Official NYC Open Data portal.
- You can sync this dataset with CARTO so that it updates every hour/day/week/month. Currently synced in my CARTO account every month using the link -
Install query-pass from
- Using your Terminal, obtain Open Street Map "amenity" data
echo '[out:json];area[admin_level=5]["name"="New York City"][boundary=administrative]->.boundaryarea;( node["amenity" ~ "coffee"](area.boundaryarea);node["amenity" ~ "cafe"](area.boundaryarea);node["amenity" ~ "restaurant"](area.boundaryarea);node["amenity" ~ "library"](area.boundaryarea);node["amenity" ~ "school"](area.boundaryarea);node ["public_transport"](area.boundaryarea););out;>;out skel qt;' | query-overpass --flat-properties >>`date +%B%Y`-query-overpass-export-MASTER.geojson
- This uses the OverPass API and Query-Overpass API to obtain a GEOJSON output
- Add this GEOJSON to Carto instance.
Setup map environment with the following datasets
- LinkNYC locations from #1
- The geojson output we generated from #2
Create Areas of Influence aka Buffers around every LinkNYC site
- We will call this LinkNYC buffers.
- Ensure Buffers are
- Radius = 61meters (200 ft - the claimed range of each Link)
"Filter points in polygons" on the LinkNYC buffers from #4 where
- Base Polygons = LinkNYC Buffers
- Point layer = QueryyOverpass geojson output (Step #3)
**Re add the original Link NYC layer and redo #4
Add widgets as needed
This gives you all the OSM amenities within the connection range of every LINK NYC. From here on you can ustomize your view as needed.