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Fyr Language Syntax

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This extension adds syntax highlighting for the Fyr language. It's currently under heavy development so some things are not working correctly.
It is available on the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.

About Fyr

For more info on Fyr visit the documentation.


To setup a development environment you only need to pull this repository, run npm install, and open it in VS Code. Converting from YAML-tmLanguage to the used tmLanguage files can be done with the TextMate Languages extension.


To publish the extension, follow this guid inside the respective folders. As a shortcut for publishing, you can use the npm script: npm run publish. Please be aware that this will not automatically increase the version number.
We already use a publisher called vs-ude. If you are a maintainer of this repository please ask to gain access to it.


Original porting from golang syntax done by Kaser Mahmoud