Remove EAN Create SKU endpoint #2110
Lint (pull_request)
Lint completed with some errors
Check failure on line 5 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
No empty descriptions allowed. Make sure that this description is a valid string that does not start with a line break (\n or \r). If this description is inside an example, please fill it with a valid value.
Check warning on line 4440 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
All endpoint summaries should use sentence case (capitalize only the first letter) and never contain periods (`.`). Exceptions include product names and some specific terms (e.g., SKU, ID).
Check warning on line 5350 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
All endpoint summaries should use sentence case (capitalize only the first letter) and never contain periods (`.`). Exceptions include product names and some specific terms (e.g., SKU, ID).
Check warning on line 6988 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Response body fields should not contain the "example" field. The response example corresponds to the whole schema.
Check failure on line 1527 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
"value" property must match exactly one schema in oneOf
Check failure on line 1671 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Each request or response body property must contain a description.
Check warning on line 6237 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
All endpoint summaries should use sentence case (capitalize only the first letter) and never contain periods (`.`). Exceptions include product names and some specific terms (e.g., SKU, ID).
Check warning on line 4245 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
All endpoint summaries should use sentence case (capitalize only the first letter) and never contain periods (`.`). Exceptions include product names and some specific terms (e.g., SKU, ID).
Check warning on line 2820 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Each request body property should have an example. In case the schema is also used as a response and there is already an example elsewhere, feel free to ignore this alert. If you have chosen to include a complete example of the schema to better represent arrays, feel free to ignore this alert.
Check warning on line 4557 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
All endpoint summaries should use sentence case (capitalize only the first letter) and never contain periods (`.`). Exceptions include product names and some specific terms (e.g., SKU, ID).
Check failure on line 7080 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
At least one example should be included for each API response
Check warning on line 4517 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
All endpoint summaries should use sentence case (capitalize only the first letter) and never contain periods (`.`). Exceptions include product names and some specific terms (e.g., SKU, ID).
Check warning on line 7623 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Response body fields should not contain the "example" field. The response example corresponds to the whole schema.
Check failure on line 6986 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
At least one example should be included for each API response
Check warning on line 4485 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
All endpoint summaries should use sentence case (capitalize only the first letter) and never contain periods (`.`). Exceptions include product names and some specific terms (e.g., SKU, ID).
Check warning on line 7685 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Response body fields should not contain the "example" field. The response example corresponds to the whole schema.
Check warning on line 7690 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Response body fields should not contain the "example" field. The response example corresponds to the whole schema.
Check warning on line 7618 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Response body fields should not contain the "example" field. The response example corresponds to the whole schema.
Check warning on line 7095 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Response body fields should not contain the "example" field. The response example corresponds to the whole schema.
Check warning on line 7087 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Response body fields should not contain the "example" field. The response example corresponds to the whole schema.
Check failure on line 8008 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
"0" property must have required property "title"
Check warning on line 7949 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
All endpoint summaries should use sentence case (capitalize only the first letter) and never contain periods (`.`). Exceptions include product names and some specific terms (e.g., SKU, ID).
Check warning on line 7568 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Path must not end with slash.
Check warning on line 8102 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Response body fields should not contain the "example" field. The response example corresponds to the whole schema.
Check warning on line 7092 in VTEX - Catalog API.json
github-actions / Lint (pull_request)
Response body fields should not contain the "example" field. The response example corresponds to the whole schema.