A board game critic aggregate.
Note: use mvnw.cmd
on Windows.
Create a .env, e.g. by copying .env.example
Build project with ./mvnw package
Run project with live-reload: ./mvnw quarkusDev
Build native image with ./mvnw clean && ./mvnw package -P native
Push native image with docker push ghcr.io/vysker/cardboardcritic:latest-native
and docker push ghcr.io/vysker/cardboardcritic:{version}-native
Build arm64 image install ./mvnw quarkus:add-extension -Dextensions='container-image-docker'
, then ./mvnw package -Parm64
- Outlet - News website that covers board games
- Raw review - Unprocessed review straight from the scraper, hidden on CBC
- Review - Represents a (human-)verified review, published on CBC
- Crawler - Finds article links for a specific outlet
- Scraper - Extracts raw reviews from article links for a specific outlet
- Feed - Orchestrates the review discovery process by:
- iterating crawlers to ask for article links;
- filtering out links that have already been crawled;
- calling the appropriate scrapers
- storing the resulting reviews
- Host a machine with these packages installed:
git, docker, docker-compose, nginx
- Run the following steps from that machine
- Git clone this repository
- Authenticate with the github package registry (ghcr.io), see guide
- Create a .env file, see .env.example in this repository
- Run
docker compose up -d db
- Run
docker compose up flyway
- Run
docker compose up -d app
- Add nginx and configure a reverse proxy, see
- Run
git pull
- Run
docker compose up flyway
- Run
docker compose up -d app
Finding and removing duplicate entries:
select url, count(*)
from raw_review
group by url
having count(*) > 1;
delete from raw_review rr using raw_review rr2
where rr.id < rr2.id
and rr.url = rr2.url;
See TODO.md