Android app providing a fully configurable widget for the monitoring of your WiFi connection details.
- Neat Material 3 Design, featuring smooth animations wherever they're appropriate
- Configurable theme:
- Light / dark
- Dynamic / static colors
- AMOLED black
- Adaptive layouts for landscape & portrait mode
- Live WiFi Status display with property copy-to-clipboard functionality on click
- Property copy-to-clipboard functionality on click
- Configuration options:
- Appearance:
- Size
- Light/dark theme with static/dynamic, or entirely custom colors
- Background opacity
- Font size
- Displayed properties:
- IP Addresses:
- Loopback
- Site Local
- Link Local
- Unique Local Address
- Multicast
- Global Unicast
- Public
- fetched from
- For address types supporting IPv4 & IPv6, you may choose which versions to include (IPv4 | Ipv6 | both)
- Display of prefix lengths (IPv4 & IPv6), and/or subnet masks (IPv4 only)
- Frequency
- Channel
- Link Speed
- Signal Strength
- Standard
- WiFi Generation
- Security Protocol
- Gateway
- DNS(s)
- NAT64 Prefix
- From
- Location:
- Zip Code
- District
- City
- Region
- Country
- Continent
- GPS Location
- Location:
- Property appearance order
- Bottom bar elements inclusion:
- Last refresh date time
- Buttons:
- Refresh data
- Open WiFi settings
- Open widget settings
- Data refreshing:
- Interval
- Whether to refresh on low battery
- Appearance:
- Kotlin
- Jetpack Compose
- Coroutines & flows
- Dagger-Hilt for dependency injection
- OkHttp for network requests, kotlinx serialization for JSON parsing
- compose-destinations for navigation
- Proto & Preferences data store
- JUnit 4 & mockito for unit testing
- Multi-modular build
- Convention plugins for gradle code reuse, whilst keeping modules independent from one another
- "Clean architecture" (or however you want to call it), with the UI and data layers depending on the domain layer, which exposes the data model and repository interfaces
Logo foreground by Hilmy Abiyyu Asad taken from here, where it is licensed under Creative Commons(Attribution 3.0 unported).
GPL-3.0 License © w2sv [2022 - Present]