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F2F Agenda Planning

Aram Zucker-Scharff edited this page Sep 18, 2019 · 13 revisions
  1. Planning page for Sept. 4 F2F
All BG members should be able to edit this page. Please ping @wseltzer if you don't yet have access.

Table of Contents


On the August 8th call, the proposed format was to have several one hour blocks where a leader presented a topic for 10-15 min and then the group discussed that topic for the remaining 45-50 min.

There would be blocks left at the end for (a) any topics that required more discussion or (b) any new topics that arose throughout the course of the day.

Add agenda suggestions to the discussion list below. If you're interested in leading a session, add your name.

Possible Items For Discussion

Possible ordering

0. Intros around the table

  1. Ads 101 (Wendell, Sam, Aram, Ben)
  2. Browsers and Apps 101 (Sean, browser folks)
  3. W3C 101, how WGs start work (Alan, 15min)
  4. Discussion of the Chrome Privacy Sandbox explainers (
  5. Discussion and definition around in-app browser use cases; reasonable user expectations for in-app browser being app vs web, different use cases for web content within apps, application of privacy standards on these browser containers (Sean)
  6. {Consent management (Mike O'Neill unavailable)}
  7. Safe Harbor APIs
    What techniques will be available to run media businesses in 2020, 2022, 2024? (Wendell)

As-yet unsorted/unclaimed

  1. Feedback on the IAB proposal;
  2. Feedback on the issue of domain names / identity / first party that Wendell brought up at W3C User Consent 2018-10
    • A concept of a Generalized Same Origin Policy, which is not managed by the Domain Name System (DNS) via the Public Suffix List; separate the "Party System" of regulation from the DNS system.
    • Management of regulatory compliance signalling (e.g., consent- (opt-in), refusal- (opt-out)) in Consumer Premises Equipment ("the browser"), avoid in opaque server-side data stores that manage these values.
    • Single point of pseudonymous identification (a.k.a. no more cookie copying, exposing, syncing), under obvious control. For which uses? Under what constraints?
  3. Interfaces between "technologies" for chain-of-custody passing tokens between Webware and Appware and back into Webware componentry. Whereas the Web is "open and general," Appware has proprietary technology and contractual constraints on use.
  4. Separation of in-band signalling from out-of-band signalling; a.k.a. "media display mode" similar to how video (audio) is different than HTML-DOM media.
  5. Topic: While it may be legally possible to implement aggregated metrics management systems for online advertising, it is likely that anything that involves the processing of personal data, e.g. audience attribution, will require verifiable user consent. Many existing consent management systems are less than adequate both from a legal and user experience perspective. What specific browser support could improve the situation?


Ad terminology guide from FB -

Publisher Concern Overview -