A (yet) simple Grid compoment made with VueJS
1 - Clone this repository 2 - CD into cloned Directory 3 - Run:
npm install
npm run serve
- Import the component
import Grid from @/components/Grid
- Register it
components: {Grid}
- Inside template tags (HTML block)
<grid />
- gridData: An Array with objects that will be displayed in the grid.
const myAwesomeGriData=[{id:1, user:'wandss', repository:'wands-vue-grid'}]
Then pass the property to the component:
<grid :gridData="myAwesomeGridData" />
Grid header's will be created by introspecting the array and getting the keys from the object, resulting in something like:
Id | User | Repository |
1 | wandss | wands-vue-grid |
- gridConfig: Property to customize the grid's renderization, consisting of an Array with objects, like:
const customizeMe = [{id:'id', hidden:true}, {id:'Repository', colName:'Git Hub Repo'},
{id: 'user', style:{'color': red}]
1 - id: must match key names inside gridData's array.
2 - hidden: will not render any data the matches the passed id.
3 - colName: the name to be rendered in Header.
4 - style: an object to style all the cells that matches the given id, result in a column styled at the same way