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This repository contains Jupyter notebooks that show how to use the astrobase package.

  • lightcurve-work.ipynb (Jupyter nbviewer): demonstrates usage of the hatlc, periodbase, and checkplot modules for reading HAT light curves, finding periods, and plotting phased light curves.

  • lightcurves-and-checkplots.ipynb (Jupyter nbviewer): demonstrates usage of the hatlc, periodbase, checkplot modules, and the checkplotserver for doing period-finding and variability-classification work on a collection of light curves.

  • lc-collection-work.ipynb (Jupyter nbviewer): demonstrates usage of the lcproc module to process a collection of light curves in an arbitrary format in order to prepare them for review by checkplotserver. This goes through all the various features one can add to checkplots, ranging from neighbor info, cross-matching, and color-magnitude diagrams.

  • lcc-server-setup.ipynb (Jupyter nbviewer): describes how to use astrobase products like period-finding pickles and checkplot pickles to feed into the LCC-Server, a browser interface for searching through collections of light curves in various ways.


To use the notebooks in this package, git clone this repository, install astrobase and then invoke the Jupyter server.

# best to do stuff in a virtualenv you've already setup (in this example: venv)
$ source venv/bin/activate

# install numpy, jupyter and astrobase
(venv) $ pip install numpy jupyter
(venv) $ pip install astrobase

# clone this repository
(venv) $ git clone

# start jupyter
(venv) $ cd astrobase-notebooks
(venv) $ jupyter notebook

Example data

Example light curve data from the HATNet and HATSouth surveys is available as a tarball in this repository. These are the same files used for the notebooks. You may have to play with the file paths in the notebooks as appropriate to get to these on your machine.


These notebooks are provided under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for the full text.

If you use the HAT light curve data provided here for a publication, please cite the following papers as appropriate:


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