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Waves protobuf schemas repository

How to use


Add dependency to your pom.xml



  1. Add dependency to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "com.wavesplatform" % "protobuf-schemas" % "{version}" % "protobuf-src" intransitive()
  1. Configure ScalaPB to compile external schemas with:
   PB.protoSources in Compile := Seq(PB.externalIncludePath.value),
   includeFilter in PB.generate := new SimpleFileFilter((f: File) => f.getName.endsWith(".proto") && f.getParent.endsWith("waves")),
   PB.targets += scalapb.gen(flatPackage = true) -> sourceManaged.value
  1. If you use SNAPSHOT version, add this line
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

See ScalaPB docs for more info.


Npm package: @waves/protobuf-serialization.

It contains generated JavaScript classes, TypeScript definitions as well as raw proto files. The default build uses CommonJS and includes all of the proto files. We used pbjs to build JavaScript and pbts to build TypeScript definitions.

You could also make your own custom build from raw .proto files, for example, if you want to use only a subset of proto schemas or gRPC services. They can be found in @waves/protobuf-serialization/proto directory.

long.js is used for 64-bit integers: int64, uint64, etc.


  1. npm install --save @waves/protobuf-serialization
  2. Default build usage
import { waves } from '@waves/protobuf-serialization';

const block = new waves.Block();
block.header = // ... set necessary fields

const buffer = waves.Block.encode(block);

const blockDecoded = waves.Block.decode(buffer);


  1. Add App.config, packages.config to your C# solution
  2. Add
    <Protobuf Include="proto\waves\*.proto" OutputDir="waves\%(RelativePath)" GrpcServices="None" />
    <Protobuf Include="proto\waves\events\*.proto" OutputDir="waves\events\%(RelativePath)" GrpcServices="None" />
    <Protobuf Include="proto\waves\node\grpc\*.proto" OutputDir="waves\node\grpc\%(RelativePath)" GrpcServices="Both" />

to your .csproj file. After this just build your project.

or as alternative you can use util protoc, for example: protoc --csharp_out=RelativePath --proto_path=RelativePathToProtoDir RelativePathToProtoFile

Also there is a NuGet package WavesPlatform.ProtobufSchema with this project.


Add dependency to your Cargo.toml

waves-protobuf-schemas = { git = "" }

How to generate sources locally


Use mvn package to create JAR artifacts:

  1. protobuf-schemas-{version}-protobuf-src.jar - raw .proto files
  2. protobuf-schemas-{version}.jar - protoc-generated Java classes


Generating python sources requires python 3 or later. Run the following commands from the root of this repository to generate python sources in /target/python:

python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install grpcio grpcio-tools base58
git clone
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=./protobuf-schemas/proto --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. `find ./protobuf-schemas/proto -type f`

Tweak --python_out and --grpc_python_out parameters to generate files elsewhere. Target path should likely be absolute. Now you can use generated classes:

import grpc
from import BlockchainUpdatesApiStub
from import SubscribeRequest
from base58 import b58encode, b58decode

def asset_id(asset_id_bytes):
    return len(asset_id_bytes) > 0 and b58encode(asset_id_bytes) or 'WAVES'

def print_update(update):
    update_id = b58encode(
    print(f'block {update_id}:')
    for (tx_id, tx_state_update) in zip(update.append.transaction_ids, update.append.transaction_state_updates):
        print(f'  tx {b58encode(tx_id)}:')
        for balance in tx_state_update.balances:
            print(f'    {b58encode(balance.address)}: {balance.amount_before} -> {balance.amount_after.amount} [{asset_id(balance.amount_after.asset_id)}]')

with grpc.insecure_channel('') as channel:
    for block in BlockchainUpdatesApiStub(channel).Subscribe(SubscribeRequest(from_height=3135450, to_height=3135470)):