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Setup guides

1. Clone the repo

Clone the repo to a folder of your choice.

We'll assume ~/work/personal/dotfiles for this guide.

2. Link the main directory

ln -s ~/work/personal/dotfiles ~/dotfiles

3. Link the colours

ln -s ~/dotfiles/dircolors ~/.dircolors

4. Link the shell profile for the platform

Important: this step depends on whether you have a shell profile already

4a. If you don't have a shell profile

OSX (.bash_profile):

ln -s ~/dotfiles/bash_profile_osx ~/.bash_profile

OSX (.zprofile):

ln -s ~/dotfiles/zsh_profile_osx ~/.zprofile

LINUX (.bash_profile):

ln -s ~/dotfiles/bash_profile_linux ~/.bash_profile

4b. If you already have a shell profile, then add this line to it:

OSX (.bash_profile):

if [ -f ~/dotfiles/bash_profile_osx ]; then source ~/dotfiles/bash_profile_osx ; fi

OSX (.zprofile):

if [ -f ~/dotfiles/zsh_profile_osx ]; then source ~/dotfiles/zsh_profile_osx ; fi

LINUX (.bash_profile):

if [ -f ~/dotfiles/bash_profile_linux ]; then source ~/dotfiles/bash_profile_linux ; fi

4c. If you are using zsh then you also need to add or update the .zshrc file

OSX (no .zshrc file):

ln -s ~/dotfiles/zshrc_prompt_osx ~/.zshrc

OSX (existing .zshrc file):

if [ -f ~/dotfiles/zshrc_prompt_osx ]; then source ~/dotfiles/zshrc_prompt_osx ; fi

5. Setup the global gitignore

git config --global core.excludesfile ~/dotfiles/gitignore_global

6. Setup git config

Add the following lines to ~/.gitconfig

	default = simple
	keepBackup = false
	tool = diffmerge
[mergetool "diffmerge"]
	cmd = diffmerge --merge\n--result=$MERGED $LOCAL $BASE $REMOTE
	trustExitCode = true
	ci = commit
	st = status
	undo = reset --hard HEAD
	alias = config --get-regexp ^alias\\.
	sync-origin = remote prune origin
	cleanup = clean -f -d
	delete-remote = push origin --delete
	parents = log --graph --decorate --simplify-by-decoration
	recent = for-each-ref --count=8 --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(refname:short)'


A home for my dotfiles






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