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Video Call Helper (Ξ²)

A Chrome Extension that provides a suite of tools to help your video calling experience.


Video Call Helper is a tool box for video calls. It provides a set of tools that interact with the underlying media capture and real time communications related APIs to provide statistics and modify media. Control the extension via a drop-down dashboard accessible from the extension icon.


Tools include:

  • 😈 Bad Connection - simulate a bad network connection if you are looking for a reason to get out of a meeting or avoid talking
  • 🌫️ Blur self-view - obscure your own video self-view to reduce distractions
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ Camera Framing - overlay a grid on your self-view video to help you frame your camera like a professional
  • πŸŽ›οΈ Device Manager - remove speaker, audio, and video devices from device enumeration. Useful for keeping virtual and used devices from being accidentally used by your video calling app.
  • πŸŽ₯ Media injection - record or select a video to insert instead of your camera feed. Useful for playing a video of yourself to give the appearance of being present without actually being there or rick-rolling
  • 🟒 Presence - monitor when your camera and/or microphone are used. For developers: send a webhook request whenever the camera or microphone are active. Useful for triggering a busy light indicator by your workspace or other workflows

See the applets section for more information on each applet.

Works on most web-based video calling apps

Because Video Call Helper operates at the browser level, it should work with most web-based video calling apps. Tested with popular video calling apps like Google Meet and Jitsi Meet. Make sure to choose the option to run in the browser when using Desktop apps like Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

ToDo: regular testing against a variety of video calling apps.

Browser-based with no data sent to external servers

Video Call Helper runs completely with in the browser. We don't collect any data.

This is Beta

⚠️WARNING: This extension is in beta and will have bugs. Help us out by submitting an issue if you find one.

Installing into Chrome, Edge, and other Chromium-based browsers

Note - currently only tested with Chrome and Edge.

Chrome Web Store

Installation from the Chrome Web Store is coming soon.

Side-loading the extension

  1. Download the latest release from the releases page
  2. Unzip the release
  3. Open the browser's extension page:
    • Chrome: chrome://extensions/
    • Edge: edge://extensions/
  4. Enable Developer Mode
  5. Click "Load unpacked" and select the unzipped extension directory
  6. The extension should now be installed

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Developers

Video Call Helper attempts to simplify of development of new applets and features for the extension. It provides a framework for:

  1. Coordination across multiple contexts (background, content, inject, worker)
  2. Use of Insertable Streams inside a worker with multiple transforms for media manipulation
  3. Storage of settings
  4. Exposure of MediaStreamTracks


Video Call Helper utilizes the following:

  • Vanilla ES6 JavaScript with some inline type definitions via JSDoc
  • npm for package management
  • WebPack for bundling
  • Bootstrap 5 - to build a simple UI using lightweight components

Building from source

git clone
cd videocallhelper
npm install

Dev build

npm run watch

Prod build

npm run build


The Chrome extension architecture requires many different contexts for complex page interaction. Video Call Helper operates in the following contexts:

  1. πŸ«₯ background (extension) - the background service worker script with full access to the Chrome Extension API
  2. πŸ•΅ content (extension) - the content script injected into user pages that maintains access to some extension features
  3. πŸ’‰ inject (user) - the injected scripts that operate in the user page context with DOM access
  4. πŸ“ˆοΈβ€ dash (extension) - a dropdown dashboard page based on Bootstrap 5 that runs in an iFrame from the content script
  5. πŸ‘· worker (user) - worker script injected into the user page to handle insertable streams

Overloading functionality

extension-core/inject.js currently overloads the following browser APIs:

  • navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
  • navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia (commented out)
  • navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices
  • navigator.mediaDevices.addEventListener
  • navigator.mediaDevices.removeEventListener
  • MediaStream.addTrack
  • MediaStream.cloneTrack
  • RTCPeerConnection.addTrack
  • RTCPeerConnection.addStream
  • RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack
  • RTCPeerConnection.addTransceiver
  • RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription
  • RTCPeerConnection.close

Communication between contexts

The primary communication between handled by the MessageHandler class in modules/messageHandler.mjs. This class abstracts the differences between chrome.tabs.sendMessage, chrome.runtime.sendMessage, window.postMessage, and document.dispatchEvent with a simple API for sending and receiving messages. This class also includes event listeners.


import {MESSAGE as m, CONTEXT as c, MessageHandler} from "../../modules/messageHandler.mjs";
const mh = new MessageHandler(c.INJECT);
mh.sendMessage(c.CONTENT, m.UPDATE_DEVICE_SETTINGS, {currentDevices: devices});
mh.addEventListener(m.DEVICE_SETTINGS_UPDATED, (event) => {
    debug("Device settings updated", event.detail);

Communication between inject and worker scripts is done via the WorkerMessageHandler and InjectToWorkerMessageHandler classes in messageHandler.mjs in modules/messageHandler.mjs.

TODO: consider how to consolidate these into a single MessageHandler.


Extension contexts are able to use to store settings and other data. A helper class StorageHandler in modules/storageHandler.mjs abstracts the storage API and handles disconnections with the background service worker script.


import {Storage} from "../../modules/storage.mjs";
const storage = await new StorageHandler();
// load default settings
await StorageHandler.initStorage('trackData', trackDataSettingsProto);  
await storage.set('trackData', newTrackDataArray);

// Changes to local storage are saved in `StorageHandler.contents`
const newTrackDataArray = storage.contents.trackData.filter(td => !== id);
// or use a get
const trackData = await storage.get('trackData');

// update will only change sub-objects that are different
await storage.update('presence', settings).catch(err => debug(err));

// listen for changes - changedValue only shows what sub-objects have changed
storage.addListener('presence', async (newValue, changedValue) => {
    debug(`presence storage changes - new, changed: `, newValue, changedValue);

    if (changedValue.enabled === true) {
        await presenceOn();
    } else if (changedValue.enabled === false || === false) {
        await presenceOff();

IndexedDB is used for storage of larger items such as media.

Insertable Streams and Inject Worker

Video Call Helper uses Insertable Streams for media manipulation features. Using this in a modular fashion while allowing pipelining of multiple processing transforms required some complex abstractions.

The InsertableStreamsManager class in modules/insertableStreamsManager.mjs accepts a MediaStreamTrack as an argument and returns a MediaStreamTrackGenerator. Since MediaStreamTrackGenerator has different properties than a MediaStreamTrack, the MediaStreamTrackGenerator is extended with the AlteredMediaStreamTrack class in modules/AlteredMediaStreamTrackGenerator.mjs to have all the same properties and methods as a MediaStreamTrack. A helper ProcessedMediaStream class in modules/insertableStreamsManager.mjs is used process all tracks in a MediaStream (vs. managing those stream's tracks individually).


const alteredStream = await new ProcessedMediaStream(stream);   // modify the stream

InsertableStreamsManager creates a new worker for each track. That worker then applies one or more functions to the stream of frames using the transformManager function in extension-core/scripts/worker.js.
These worker functions are stored as worker.mjs in each applet and need to be added to worker.js. The WorkerMessageHandler is used to communicate with a corresponding inject.mjs for each applet.

Example worker.mjs:

import {WorkerMessageHandler} from "../../modules/messageHandler.mjs";
const workerMessageHandler = new WorkerMessageHandler();
wmh.addListener(m.PLAYER_START, async (data) => {
    const playerReader = data.reader.getReader();
    paused = false;

     * Drop the incoming frame and replace it with the player frame
     * @param frame - the incoming frame to process
     * @returns {Promise<*>}
    async function playerTransform(frame) {
        if (paused){
            return frame;

        const {done, value: playerFrame} = await;
        if (done) {
            debug("playerTransform done");
            return frame;

        return playerFrame

    transformManager.add(playerName, playerTransform);


Directory structure

The directory structure of the project is as follows:

β”œβ”€β”€ applets/ - self-contained feature used by the extension
β”‚   └── applet/
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ - developer documentation and notes for the applet
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ pages/ - html for associated applet pages
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ scripts/
β”‚       β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ background.mjs - modules added to background.js
β”‚       β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ content.mjs - modules added to content.js
β”‚       β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ dash.mjs - modules added to dash.js for controlling the dashboard UI
β”‚       β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ inject.mjs - modules added to inject.js
β”‚       β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ settings.mjs - default settings prototype for StorageHanlder (
β”‚       β”‚   └── worker.mjs  - worker script modules
β”‚       └── styles/
β”œβ”€β”€ dash/ - drop down dashboard used to control the applets
β”œβ”€β”€ extension-core/ - extension scripts
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ pages/ - html for pages used by the extension
β”‚   └── scripts/
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ background.js - Extension background worker script
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ content.js - Extension content script added to user pages
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ inject.js - injected into user pages to override RTC APIs
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ options.js - not currently used
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ popup-error.js - shown if communication context lost
β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ dash.js - pop-up dashboard main script
β”‚       └── worker.js - insertable streams worker script
β”œβ”€β”€ modules - shared modules (message and storage handling)
β”œβ”€β”€ static - static content (icons)
└── manifest.json - V3 Chrome Extension manifest
β”œβ”€β”€ e2e/ - end-to-end tests
β”œβ”€β”€ unit/ - unit tests
└── gum.html - manual getUserMedia and enumerateDevices testing page
jest.config.js - Jest testing configuration
package.json - npm package file - this file
webpack.common.js - common webpack configuration - development webpack configuration - production webpack configuration

The applet/scripts folder contains a module script (.mjs) for each context that is needed.


This is a Work In Progress. See the /tests folder for some basic unit and end-to-end tests using Puppeteer.

Use /tests/gum.html for manual getUserMedia and enumerateDevices related tests.


😈 badConnection

Simulate a bad network connection if you are looking for a reason to get out of a meeting or avoid talking. This uses the InsertableStreamsManager to lower the resolution, decrease framerate, and add freezing of video and add clipping to audio, like what happens during a bad network connection.

Source folder: badConnection

Implementation details:

πŸŽ›οΈ deviceManager

Remove speaker, audio, and video devices from device enumeration. This apple overrides the navigator.MediaDevices.enumerateDevices function to remove devices from the list of available devices.

Source folder: deviceManager

Implementation details:

πŸ“Έ imageCapture

Grab images from the local getUserMedia stream. Originally intended to assist with ML training. Saved in IndexedDB with dedicated page for viewing and exporting the images with associated metadata.

Work-in-progress - not currently implemented in the control dashboard.

Source folder: imageCapture

🟒 presence

Background script that monitors when your camera and/or microphone are used to indicate a presence state. Optionally trigger a webhook whenever presence changes state to trigger external actions, such as changing the display on a busy light indicator or triggering a workflow in a service like IFTTT.

Dependencies: trackData - used to count the number of active tracks by device type.

Source folder: presence

Implementation details:

πŸ™ˆ selfView

Modifies the user's self-view without impacting what is transmitted. Options include:

  • Blur self-view - blur the self-view to reduce distractions
  • Add a grid overlay to help with camera framing - look your best by making sure you are properly framed in the camera

Dependencies: trackData - selfView only activates when there is a video track.

Source folder: selfView

Implementation details:

πŸ›€ trackData

Keeps track of the number of active getUserMedia tracks by device type.

Source folder: trackData

Implementation details:

πŸŽ₯ videoPlayer

Replaces the getUserMedia stream with a video file. The user can make a recording or upload a video file to inject. Note: video files cannot be larger than 250MB due to Chrome extension limitations on local storage.

Source folder: videoPlayer

Implementation details:


tools to help on video calls - chrome extension






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