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Robert Herhold edited this page Feb 14, 2016 · 10 revisions

PhysicsJS uses the concept of Publishing and Subscribing to events to encourage loose coupling and modularity.

See also: API Reference on PubSub

NOTE: there were major changes to the pubsub system in v0.6.0 (beta). See v0.5.x for the old documentation.

v0.6.x pubsub

Callback subscribed to an event will receive a data object with all information about the event, including:

  • topic - the event name
  • handler - the callback function reference
  • scope - the scope of the event (usually the world)
  • any other data specific to the event

These events are generally mediated through the world object. The world itself emits the following events:

  • add:body (data.body contains the body added)
  • add:behavior (data.behavior contains the behavior added)
  • add:integrator (data.integrator contains the integrator added)
  • add:renderer (data.renderer contains the renderer added)
  • remove:body (data.body contains the body removed)
  • remove:behavior (data.behavior contains the behavior removed)
  • remove:integrator (data.integrator contains the integrator removed)
  • remove:renderer (data.renderer contains the renderer removed)
  • render (data.bodies is the array of bodies in the world, data.renderer is the renderer)
  • step

NB: Behaviors may publish and subscribe to other events.

To subscribe to an event:

world.on( EVENT_NAME, function( data, e ){
    // ...
}, thisRef, PRIORITY);

The EVENT_NAME is a string. thisRef is an optional scope to bind the callback to. PRIORITY is similar to unix priorities. A callback subscribed with a higher priority will be executed sooner than one with a lower priority.

To unsubscribe: EVENT_NAME, callbackFn );

To publish an event:

world.emit( EVENT_NAME, data );

More ...

// event data having the "handler" and "type" reference so that one can do things like this:
ps.on( 'my-event', function( data, e ){
    if ( something ) { e.type, e.handler );

// if you only want to listen once... 'my-event', function( data, e ){
    // only triggered once...

// multiple events in one shot (works with .off() too)
    'my-event1': function( data, e ) {
        // handle
    'my-event2': function( data, e ) {
        // ...
    // ...

// bind to different "this"
ps.on( 'my-event', function( data, e ){
    this === scope; // true
}, scope);

// remove all events bound to "type" 'my-event', true );

// remove all events true );

// priority management
ps.on( 'my-event', function( data, e ){
    // runs last
}, 1 );
ps.on( 'my-event', function( data, e ){
   // runs first, no matter where/when this .on() is called
}, 100);

v0.5.x pubsub

Callback subscribed to an event will receive a data object with all information about the event, including:

  • topic - the event name
  • handler - the callback function reference
  • scope - the scope of the event (usually the world)
  • any other data specific to the event

These events are generally mediated through the world object. The world itself emits the following events:

  • add:body (data.body contains the body added)
  • add:behavior (data.behavior contains the behavior added)
  • add:integrator (data.integrator contains the integrator added)
  • add:renderer (data.renderer contains the renderer added)
  • remove:body (data.body contains the body removed)
  • remove:behavior (data.behavior contains the behavior removed)
  • render (data.bodies is the array of bodies in the world, data.renderer is the renderer)
  • step

NB: Behaviors may publish and subscribe to other events.

To subscribe to an event:

world.subscribe(EVENT_NAME, function( data ){
    // ...
}, thisRef, PRIORITY);

The EVENT_NAME is a string. thisRef is an optional scope to bind the callback to. PRIORITY is similar to unix priorities. A callback subscribed with a higher priority will be executed sooner than one with a lower priority.

To unsubscribe:

world.unsubscribe( EVENT_NAME, callbackFn );

To publish an event:

    topic: EVENT_NAME,
    // ...
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