New: Added onlyCurrentPage
param for checkBy/uncheckBy
New: Used bootstrap icons
as default icons for bootstrap v5.
New: Added regexSearch
option which allows to filter the table using regex.
New: Added support for allow importing stylesheets.
New: Added toggle-pagination
New: Added virtual-scroll
Update: Fixed vue
component cannot work.
Update: Fixed infinite loop error with wrong server-side pagination metadata.
Update: Improved the behavior of ajax
Update: Fixed click bug when paginationLoop is false.
Update: Fixed the highlighting bug when using radio/checkboxes.
Update: Fixed width bug caused by loading css.
Update: Removed the input-group-append
class for bootstrap v5.
Update: Fixed duplicate definition id
Update: Fixed the comparison of search inputs.
Update: Fixed broken page-list selector.
Update: Fixed overwrite custom locale function bug.
Update: Fixed bug with server side pagination and the page size all
Update: Fixed all checkbox not auto check after pagination changed.
Update: Updated the es-MX
New(cookie): Added Multiple Sort order
stored in cookie extension.
New(cookie): Added Card view state
stored in cookie extension.
New(copy): Added ignoreCopy
column option to prevent copying the column data.
New(copy): Added rawCopy
column option to copy the raw value instead of the formatted value.
Update(cookie): Fixed switchable
column bug with the cookie extension.
Update(export): Fixed the export dropdown cannot be closed bug.
Update(filter-control): Updated filterMultipleSelectOptions
to filterControlMultipleSelectOptions
Update(filter-control): Fixed bug with cookie deletion of none filter cookies.
Update(filter-control): Fixed bug when using the load
Update(group-by): Fixed overwriting the column classes bug on group collapsed rows.
Update(multiple-sort): Fixed hide/show column error with no sortPriority defined.
Update(page-jump-to): Fixed jump-to display bug in bootstrap v3.
Update(print): Fixed print formatter bug.
Update(reorder-rows): Fixed reorder-rows
not work property.
Update(reorder-rows): Fixed the drag selector to prevent a checkbox bug on mobile.
Update(resizable): Fixed the reinitialization after the table changed.
Update(sticky-header): Fixed sticky-header not work property with group header.
Update(treegrid): Fixed bug of treegrid from html.
You can’t perform that action at this time.