Scans MQTT topics of a certain broker pushes it into a time series database.
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This app is written in Python® 3. Scans MQTT topics of a certain broker and its values to an time series database built on InfluxDB®.
Table of Contents
- automatically subscribes to all registered MQTT topics of a certain broker
- transforms all topics to data items and pushes them into an InfluxDB time series data base
Technology | Description |
Python® | asyncio for concurrent execution of coroutines |
Eclipse Paho® | MQTT client |
InfluxDB® | Time series database |
Docker® | Container technology |
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This app requires a MQTT broker which can either run as an app or on a different host but in the same network of the Runtime. It also requires an influxdb app running on the Runtime or on a different host.
- tbd
Container Port | Protocol | Description |
n.a. |
Please note: Ports can be mapped to different host ports in the machine settings
Environmental variables are used to initialize or define a certain functionality of an app and can be changed in the machine settings:
Variable | Default Value | Changeable by User | Description |
MQTT_BROKER_IP | mosaiq.eclipsemosquitto | yes | Hostname or IP address of MQTT broker |
MQTT_BROKER_PORT | 1883 | yes | Port used by the MQTT broker |
MQTT_BROKER_KEEPALIVE | 60 | yes | Maximum time that this app does not communicate with the broker |
Mount points are access points to volumes (like paths) provided to the app to read and write data:
Mount Point | Default Data | Changeable by User | Description |
n.a. |
Developer | Compatibility | Size on Runtime | Copyright | License |
Lenze SE | Requires Runtime 1.0 or later | 50.7 MB | © 2021- Lenze SE | MIT License. See LICENSE for more information. |
- "Python®" and the Python logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Python Software Foundation.
- "Eclipse®", "Mosquitto®", Paho® and the respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation.
- "Docker®" and "Docker Hub®" are trademarks or registered trademarks of Docker.
- "InfluxDB®" and the respective logo is a trademark or registered trademark by InfluxData, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this product.