This module includes everything you need to start using the deploy module with standard Drupal components.
Includes the following sub-modules:
- Deploy Example Plan Next: Push to next deployment plan (Not used for Deployment Tools)
- Deploy Example Services: Provides a magic services endpoint configuration that enables all entities for deploy.
// This is the username in the target environment. This should be configured to be user 1 to avoid permissions issues.
$conf['deploy_example_next_user'] = 'my-site-admin';
// Only set this value if you don't use drush to set the password on a per deployment basis.
$conf['deploy_example_next_pass'] = 'password';
// Set destination services endpoint where we deploy entities.
$conf['deploy_example_next_url'] = '';
// Set this to TRUE to enable debugging on deployments.
$conf['deploy_example_debug'] = FALSE;