Adaptation of the javascript shim from:
See html/libs/zstddec-tar1090-VERSION.js for the js shim with compiled wasm, ready for usage. The base64 converted wasm is placed into the C variable, you can't miss the long line :) If you're interested in compiling the wasm yourself, see the instructions further down.
import { ZSTDDecoder } from 'zstddec';
const decoder = new ZSTDDecoder();
await decoder.init();
// requires and returns Uint8Array
const decompressedArray = decoder.decode( compressedArray, uncompressedSize );
Include the js file in your html:
<script src="zstddec-tar1090-0.0.4.js"></script>
In your js, use code similar to this to use zstddec-tar1090:
let zstdDecode = null;
function webAssemblyFail(e) {
zstdDecode = null;
console.error("Error loading zstddec, probable cause: webassembly not present or not working");
zstd = false;
// possibly display an error if your page requires zstddec
zstddec.decoder = new zstddec.ZSTDDecoder();
zstddec.promise = zstddec.decoder.init().catch(e => webAssemblyFail(e));
zstdDecode = zstddec.decoder.decode;
function arraybufferRequest() {
let xhrOverride = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhrOverride.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
return xhrOverride;
function startPage() {
let req = jQuery.ajax({
url: "", method: 'GET',
xhr: arraybufferRequest,
timeout: 15000,
req.done(function(data) {
let arr = new Uint8Array(data);
lastRequestSize = arr.byteLength;
let res;
try {
res = zstdDecode( arr, 0 );
} catch (e) {
// process the decompressed data, for example, make it a string and parse as json:
let dstring = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, dresult);
let djson = JSON.parse(dstring);
zstddec.promise.then(function() {
tar xf zstd-1.5.0.tar.gz
cd zstd-1.5.0/build/single_file_libs
./ -r ../../lib -o zstddeclib.c zstddeclib-in.c
cp zstddeclib.c ../../..
cd ../../..
patch -u zstddeclib.c -i changes.diff
- findDecompressedSize interface changed from unsigned long long to U32 for wasm / browser compatibility (uncompressed filesize limit 4294967294 bytes)
- the diff to the file created by is also provided: changes.diff
- the modified file zstddeclib.c required for compilation is included in this directory
docker pull emscripten/emsdk:3.1.15
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src -u $(id -u):$(id -g) emscripten/emsdk:3.1.15 emcc zstddeclib.c --no-entry -O3 -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_ZSTD_decompress', '_ZSTD_findDecompressedSize', '_ZSTD_isError', '_malloc', '_free']" -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -s TOTAL_STACK=64kb -s TOTAL_MEMORY=2Mb -o zstddec.wasm
TOTAL_MEMORY is the initial heap size which grows as necessary.
base64 -w0 zstddec.wasm > zstddec.wasm.base64