React Runner is an AI-powered 2D game built using React, Node, and Tensorflow.js. Our goal was to create a relaxing game, with minimal UI, and easy controls. The game allows the user to control a character with voice commands. For each successful jump, a point is added to the total. When the character collides with an obstacle, a local high score is updated, and then the user can try again to reach a higher score. We built this project in a week for the August Mintbean hackathon.
The developers:
- Users can control the character using voice commands
- A local highscore system
- React.js
- Node.js
- Tensorflow.js
- VS Code or any similar IDE supporting JavaScript ES6
- Node.js 14 or higher
- NPM 7 or higher
git clone
yarn install
or npm install
yarn start
or npm start
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