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An implementation of MINRES which solves sparse symmetric systems Ax = b


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An implementation of the Minimum Residual Method (MINRES) based on the original fortran 90 code by Chris Paige, Sou-Cheng Choi, and Michael Saunders.

Brief Description

MINRES is designed to solve the system of linear equations

Ax = b

or the least-squares problem

min ||Ax - b||_2,

where A is an n by n symmetric matrix and b is a given vector. The matrix A may be indefinite and/or singular.

More generally, MINRES is designed to solve the system

(A - shift*I) x = b or min ||(A - shift*I) x - b||_2,

where shift is a specified scalar value. Again, the matrix (A - shift*I) may be indefinite and/or singular. The work per iteration is very slightly less if shift = 0.

I've added two things:

  1. made it into a package which can be built using the Fortan Package Manager fpm.
  2. created the minres_ez_t class which provides a simplified interface to the method.


There are two different ways to use this library. The first is via the minres_ez_t class which provides a simplified interface to the method and the second is via the minres_solver subroutine which gives you full control, but requires a more work on the part of the user.


To use the minres_ez_t class, you have to provide the matrix A in sparse form, using three arrays: the row indices, column indices, and the nonzero elements. Here is an example:

program minres_ez_example_1
    ! Example program demonstrating the use of minres_ez_t to solve 
    ! linear systems of the form Ax = b and (A - shift*I)x = b where
    ! A is symmetric.
    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : dp=>real64
    use minres, only : minres_ez_t
    use minres, only : minres_info_t
    implicit none

    integer,  parameter :: n         = 3                               ! size of matrix A (symmetric)
    integer,  parameter :: nnz       = 7                               ! number of nonzero elem. in A 
    integer,  parameter :: irow(nnz) = [1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2]           ! row indices nonzero elem. of A
    integer,  parameter :: icol(nnz) = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3]           ! col indices nonzero elem. of A
    real(dp), parameter :: a(nnz)    = real([3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 2], dp) ! nonzero elem. of A
    real(dp), parameter :: b(n)      = real([1, 1, 1], dp)             ! the rhs vector b

    type(minres_ez_t)   :: minres_ez   ! the main ez solver class
    type(minres_info_t) :: minres_info ! information on solution 
    real(dp)            :: x(n)        ! the solution vector x

    ! Set some options
    minres_ez % itnlim  = 100          ! Upper limit on the nnzber of iterations.
    minres_ez % precon  = .false.      ! Whether or not to invoke preconditioning 
    minres_ez % checka  = .true.       ! Whether or not to check if matrix A is symmetric 
    minres_ez % rtol    = 1.0e-13_dp   ! User-specified residual tolerance 

    ! display settings
    call minres_ez % print()

    ! Solve linear system
    call minres_ez % solve(irow, icol, a, b, x, minres_info)

    ! Print info on result
    call minres_info % print()

end program minres_ez_example_1

Two additional optional arguments can be passed to the solve method nnz and shift.

integer,  intent(in), optional   :: nnz      ! number of nonzero items
real(dp), intent(in), optional   :: shift    ! shift value (A - shift*I) x = b

If nnz is not specified the minres_ez_t class assumes the number of nonzero elements in A is equal to size(a). If this is not the case, e.g. the number of nonzero elements is less then size(a), then nnz can be specified.

The minres_info_t type contains the following members.

integer  :: istop  ! integer giving the reason for termination
integer  :: itn    ! nnzber of iterations performed
real(dp) :: anorm  ! estimate of the norm of the matrix operator
real(dp) :: acond  ! estimate of the condition of Abar 
real(dp) :: rnorm  ! estimate of norm of residual vector
real(dp) :: arnorm ! recognize singular systems ||Ar||
real(dp) :: ynorm  ! estimate of the norm of xbar


The minres_solver subroutine (To do ...)


A Fortran Package Manager manifest file is included, so that the library and test cases can be compiled with FPM. For example:

fpm build --profile release
fpm test --profile release

To use minres within your fpm project, add the following to your fpm.toml file:

minres.git = ""


(To do..)


The original fortran 90 implementation of MINRES, everything in the src/minres sub-directory, is distributed under the OSI Common Public License (CPL):

My additions, everything else, are distributed under the MIT license


  1. C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders (1975). Solution of sparse indefinite systems of linear equations, SIAM J. Numerical Analysis 12, 617-629.
  2. S.-C. Choi (2006). Iterative Methods for Singular Linear Equations and Least-Squares Problems, PhD thesis, Stanford University.
  3. S.-C. T. Choi, C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders. MINRES-QLP: A Krylov subspace method for indefinite or singular symmetric systems, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 33:4, 1810-1836, published electronically Aug 4, 2011.
  4. David Chin-Lung Fong and Michael Saunders. CG versus MINRES: An empirical comparison, SQU Journal for Science, 17:1 (2012), 44-62.


An implementation of MINRES which solves sparse symmetric systems Ax = b







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