Moove is Moodle's theme that makes online environments more clean and intuitive for learners and educators. Its intuitive layout is optimised for online learning, focusing on the things that matter - your learning activities and content.
Moove is built on Boostrap4 and Mustache templates.
You can see the theme documentation on:
Willian Mano
- Zend Certified PHP Engineer - ZEND028770
- Certified Scrum Master - 000570341
- iMasters Certified Professional - PHP - Good Practices - 1076
Moodle profile:
First way
- Clone this repository into the folder theme.
- Access the notification area in moodle and install
Second way
- Download this repository
- Extract the content
- Put the folder into the folder theme of your moodle
- Access the notification area in moodle and install