This bot allows Learn Build Teach Discord members to share a piece of content (article, video, etc.) that I will consider tweeting about.
!updateProfile Update your profile with the following flags. I will use these pieces of information to help share your content.
: your Twitter handle-twitch
: your Twitch username-youtube
: your YouTube URL-instagram
: your Instagram username-website
: your personal website URL
ex. !updateProfile -twitter jamesqquick -youtube -website
!profile Get profile details about you or another discord member.
ex. !profile for yourself or !profile @James Q Quick for someone else
!resetProfile Clear your existing profile in case your display name has changed, you entered incorrect info, etc.
Share a piece of content (article, video, etc.) by including a valid URL. I will consider sharing this on Twitter and/or my newsletter. You can (optionally) include a suggested tweet text after the URL.
ex. !share This is a suggested tweet text
!commands Show a list of available commands