bluzelle-go is a go client built on top of WebSocket API that connect to Bluzelle SwarmDB for basic CRUD operations. Under active development to support Bernoulli release.
- Installation
go get
- Compile protobuf
protoc -I=proto/proto --go_out=pb proto/proto/*.proto
- Import
import ""
- Initialize
blz := blz.Connect("", 51010, "80174b53-2dda-49f1-9d6a-6a780d4")
- Create
err := blz.Create("key1", []byte("value1"))
- Read
value, err := blz.Read("key1")
- Update
err := blz.Update("key1", []byte("value2"))
- Remove
err := blz.Remove("key1")
- Has
has, err := blz.Has("key1")
- Keys
keys, err := blz.Keys()
- Size
size, err := blz.Size()
Visit the official bluzelle documentation