A shell script for quickly and easily making python virtual environments and installing python packages inside it in one go!
This handy shell script simplifies the process of setting up isolated Python environments for your projects. By leveraging the power of virtual environments and pip, you can effortlessly manage dependencies and keep your project's packages organized.
With this script, you can quickly create a virtual environment tailored to your project's requirements. Once created, you can activate the environment, ensuring a clean and isolated environment for your Python code.
Use curl to easily download the script to your home directory (or do it manually)
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wolandark/PyEnv/master/PyVirtEnv
Make it executable
chmod +x PyVirtEnv
Run the Script With $1 And If Needed, $2, $3 & $4 etc ... Where $1 Is The First Argument And The New Virtual Env Name And $2 ... Is The Name Of An Optional Package/s To Be Installed With pip Into The Virtual Env
./PyVirtEnv NewEnv tinydb PyQt5
Run The Script With The [setup] As Argument To Setup Your SHELL, SH & BASH Are Supported. Then source your .shellrc
./PyVirtEnv setup
source ~/.bashrc
. ~/.shrc
This operation will simply echo a function to your .shellrc. The function is:
PyEnv() { ~/PyVirtEnv "$@"; source "$1/bin/activate"; cd "$1"; }
With this configuration, you can call PyEnv from your terminal.
PyEnv NewEnv tinydb PyQt5
Because each shell script runs in its own subshell and therefore its impossible to automatically source the new env and cd into it from the script. However functions run with the shell itself so we can create the env, install packages and source the new env and cd into it in one go. If this is not an issue for you, you can use the script normally and then source the new virtual environment and cd into it.
source <Env Name>/bin/activate
cd <Env Name>
For More Info Visit: https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html