- Display the current price for Bitcoin and Ethereum every 60 seconds from Coinbase API.
- Button for user to manually refresh price.
- Button for user to transfer 5$ at current price of ether to another address using the rinkeby test network.
- Historical Data (console for now, need to add display)
- Make Recommendations to user if they should buy.(buy or sell based on last up or down tick, need to elaborate)
In .env, add values for: Your Infura access token (or token for another platform). Address and private key of your sending wallet. Address of your destination wallet (same as PROD_ADDRESS in App.js)
Run yarn install to build. Run yarn start.
In App.js, change PROD_ADDRESS to the destination wallet (where you'll send the ether). In App.js, add a remote server URL if you're using one (e.g. - myapi.awsinstance.com = example, does not exist). To use local server, change LOCAL to true.
Run yarn to build.
After starting server, run yarn start.
Note: Requires MetaMask. If you have more than one wallet, make sure you're on the one that has PROD_ADDRESS, otherwise you won't see the Buy Ether button.
To make a purchase, hit the Buy Ether button and wait. A URL to the transaction hash will appear when the transaction is about done.
Adding Redux