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Added functions to work with NWP files exported by the TMG Toolbox
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bccheung committed May 11, 2021
1 parent 27f2082 commit dbad21a
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Showing 3 changed files with 331 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions balsa/routines/io/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
from .common import coerce_matrix, expand_array, open_file
from .fortran import read_fortran_rectangle, read_fortran_square, to_fortran
from .inro import read_mdf, read_emx, peek_mdf, to_mdf, to_emx
from .nwp import (read_nwp_base_network, read_nwp_exatts_list, read_nwp_link_attributes, read_nwp_traffic_results,
read_nwp_traffic_results_at_countpost, read_nwp_transit_network, read_nwp_transit_result_summary,
read_nwp_transit_station_results, read_nwp_transit_segment_results)
from .omx import read_omx, to_omx
327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions balsa/routines/io/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import re
from typing import Hashable, List, Tuple, Union
import zipfile

def read_nwp_base_network(nwp_fp: Union[str, Path]) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
"""A function to read the base network from a Network Package file (exported from Emme using the TMG Toolbox) into
nwp_fp (Union[str, Path]): File path to the network package.
Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: A tuple of DataFrames containing the nodes and links
nwp_fp = Path(nwp_fp)
assert nwp_fp.exists(), f'File `{nwp_fp.as_posix()}` not found.'

header_nodes, header_links, last_line = None, None, None
with zipfile.ZipFile(nwp_fp) as zf:
for i, line in enumerate('base.211'), start=1):
line = line.strip().decode('utf-8')
if line.startswith('c'):
continue # Skip comment lines
if line.startswith('t nodes'):
header_nodes = i
elif line.startswith('t links'):
header_links = i
last_line = i

# Read nodes
n_rows = header_links - header_nodes - 2
data_types = {
'c': str, 'Node': np.int64, 'X-coord': float, 'Y-coord': float, 'Data1': float, 'Data2': float,
'Data3': float, 'Label': str
nodes = pd.read_csv('base.211'), index_col='Node', dtype=data_types, skiprows=header_nodes,
nrows=n_rows, delim_whitespace=True)
nodes.columns = nodes.columns.str.lower()
nodes.columns = nodes.columns.str.strip() = 'node'
nodes.rename(columns={'x-coord': 'x', 'y-coord': 'y'}, inplace=True)
nodes['is_centroid'] = nodes['c'] == 'a*'
nodes.drop('c', axis=1, inplace=True)

# Read links
n_rows = last_line - header_links - 1
links = pd.read_csv('base.211'), index_col=['From', 'To'], skiprows=header_links, nrows=n_rows,
delim_whitespace=True, low_memory=False)
links.columns = links.columns.str.lower()
links.columns = links.columns.str.strip()
links.index.names = ['inode', 'jnode']
mask_mod = links['c'] == 'm'
n_modified_links = len(links[mask_mod])
if n_modified_links > 0:
print(f'Ignored {n_modified_links} modification records in the links table')
links = links[~mask_mod].drop('c', axis=1)
if 'typ' in links.columns:
links.rename(columns={'typ': 'type'}, inplace=True)
if 'lan' in links.columns:
links.rename(columns={'lan': 'lanes'}, inplace=True)
dtypes = {
'length': float, 'modes': str, 'type': int, 'lanes': int, 'vdf': int, 'data1': float, 'data2': float,
'data3': float
links = links.astype(dtypes)

return nodes, links

def read_nwp_exatts_list(nwp_fp: Union[str, Path]) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""A function to read the extra attributes present in a Network Package file (exported from Emme using the TMG
nwp_fp (Union[str, Path]): File path to the network package.
nwp_fp = Path(nwp_fp)
assert nwp_fp.exists(), f'File `{nwp_fp.as_posix()}` not found.'

with zipfile.ZipFile(nwp_fp) as zf:
df = pd.read_csv('exatts.241'), index_col=False)
df.columns = df.columns.str.strip()
df['type'] = df['type'].astype('category')

return df

def read_nwp_link_attributes(nwp_fp: Union[str, Path], *, attributes: Union[str, List[str]] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""A function to read link attributes from a Network Package file (exported from Emme using the TMG Toolbox).
nwp_fp (Union[str, Path]): File path to the network package.
attributes (Union[str, List[str]], optional): Defaults to ``None``. Names of link attributes to extract. Note
that ``'inode'`` and ``'jnode'`` will be included by default.
nwp_fp = Path(nwp_fp)
assert nwp_fp.exists(), f'File `{nwp_fp.as_posix()}` not found.'

if attributes is not None:
if isinstance(attributes, Hashable):
attributes = [attributes]
elif isinstance(attributes, list):
raise RuntimeError

with zipfile.ZipFile(nwp_fp) as zf:
df = pd.read_csv('exatt_links.241'))
df.columns = df.columns.str.strip()
df.set_index(['inode', 'jnode'], inplace=True)

if attributes is not None:
df = df[attributes].copy()

return df

def read_nwp_traffic_results(nwp_fp: Union[str, Path]) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""A function to read the traffic assignment results from a Network Package file (exported from Emme using the TMG
nwp_fp (Union[str, Path]): File path to the network package.
nwp_fp = Path(nwp_fp)
assert nwp_fp.exists(), f'File `{nwp_fp.as_posix()}` not found.'

with zipfile.ZipFile(nwp_fp) as zf:
df = pd.read_csv('link_results.csv'), index_col=['i', 'j'])
df.index.names = ['inode', 'jnode']

return df

def read_nwp_traffic_results_at_countpost(nwp_fp: Union[str, Path], countpost_att: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""A function to read the traffic assignment results at countposts from a Network Package file (exported from Emme
using the TMG Toolbox).
nwp_fp (Union[str, Path]): File path to the network package.
countpost_att (str): The name of the extra link attribute containing countpost identifiers. Results will be
filtered using this attribute.
nwp_fp = Path(nwp_fp)
assert nwp_fp.exists(), f'File `{nwp_fp.as_posix()}` not found.'

if not countpost_att.startswith('@'):
countpost_att = f'@{countpost_att}'

countpost_links = read_nwp_link_attributes(nwp_fp, countpost_att)
countpost_links = countpost_links[countpost_links[countpost_att] > 0]

results = read_nwp_traffic_results(nwp_fp)
results = results[results.index.isin(countpost_links.index)].copy()

return results

def read_nwp_transit_network(nwp_fp: Union[str, Path]) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
"""A function to read the transit network from a Network Package file (exported from Emme using the TMG Toolbox)
into DataFrames.
nwp_fp (Union[str, Path]): File path to the network package.
Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: A tuple of DataFrames containing the transt lines and segments.
nwp_fp = Path(nwp_fp)
assert nwp_fp.exists(), f'File `{nwp_fp.as_posix()}` not found.'

# Parse through transit line transaction file
seg_cols = ['inode', 'dwt', 'ttf', 'us1', 'us2', 'us3']
transit_lines = []
transit_segments = []
current_tline = None
with zipfile.ZipFile(nwp_fp) as zf:
for line in'transit.221'):
line = line.strip().decode('utf-8')
if line.startswith('c') or line.startswith('t') or line.startswith('path'):
continue # Skip
elif line.startswith('a'):
parts = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', line.replace("'", ' ')).split(' ')
parts = parts[1:6] + [' '.join(parts[6:-3])] + parts[-3:] # reconstruct parts with a joined description
current_tline = parts[0]
parts = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', line).split(' ')
if len(parts) < len(seg_cols):
parts = parts + [np.nan] * (len(seg_cols) - len(parts)) # row needed for node... pad with NaNs
parts.insert(0, current_tline)

# Create transit segment dataframe
transit_segments = pd.DataFrame(transit_segments, columns=['line'] + seg_cols)
transit_segments['jnode'] = transit_segments.groupby('line')['inode'].shift(-1)
transit_segments['seg_seq'] = (transit_segments.groupby('line').cumcount() + 1).astype(int)
transit_segments['loop'] = (transit_segments.groupby(['line', 'inode', 'jnode'])['seg_seq'].cumcount() + 1).astype(int)
transit_segments.dropna(inplace=True) # remove rows without dwt, ttf, us1, us2, us3 data (i.e. the padded rows)
transit_segments = transit_segments[['line', 'inode', 'jnode', 'seg_seq', 'loop', 'dwt', 'ttf', 'us1', 'us2', 'us3']].copy()
transit_segments['inode'] = transit_segments['inode'].astype(np.int64)
transit_segments['jnode'] = transit_segments['jnode'].astype(np.int64)
transit_segments['dwt'] = transit_segments['dwt'].str.replace('dwt=', '')
transit_segments['ttf'] = transit_segments['ttf'].str.replace('ttf=', '').astype(int)
transit_segments['us1'] = transit_segments['us1'].str.replace('us1=', '').astype(float)
transit_segments['us2'] = transit_segments['us2'].str.replace('us2=', '').astype(float)
transit_segments['us3'] = transit_segments['us3'].str.replace('us3=', '').astype(float)

# Create transit lines dataframe
columns = ['line', 'mode', 'veh', 'headway', 'speed', 'description', 'data1', 'data2', 'data3']
data_types = { # remember that python 3.6 doesn't guarentee that order is maintained...
'line': str, 'mode': str, 'veh': int, 'headway': float, 'speed': float, 'description': str, 'data1': float,
'data2': float, 'data3': float
transit_lines = pd.DataFrame(transit_lines, columns=columns).astype(data_types)

return transit_lines, transit_segments

def read_nwp_transit_result_summary(nwp_fp: Union[str, Path]) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""A function to read and summarize the transit assignment boardings and max volumes from a Network Package file
(exported from Emme using the TMG Toolbox) by operator and route.
Transit line names in Emme must adhere to the TMG NCS16 for this function to work properly.
nwp_fp (Union[str, Path]): File path to the network package.
nwp_fp = Path(nwp_fp)
assert nwp_fp.exists(), f'File `{nwp_fp.as_posix()}` not found.'

with zipfile.ZipFile(nwp_fp) as zf:
data_types = {'line': str, 'transit_boardings': float, 'transit_volume': float}
df = pd.read_csv('segment_results.csv'), usecols=data_types.keys(), dtype=data_types)
df['operator'] = (df['line'].str[:2]).str.replace('\d+', '')
df['route'] = df['line'].str.replace(r'\D', '').astype(int)
df = df.groupby(['operator', 'route']).agg({'transit_boardings': 'sum', 'transit_volume': 'max'})
df.rename(columns={'transit_boardings': 'boardings', 'transit_volume': 'max_volume'}, inplace=True)

return df

def read_nwp_transit_station_results(nwp_fp: Union[str, Path], station_line_nodes: List[int]) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""A function to read and summarize the transit boardings (on) and alightings (offs) at stations from a Network
Package file (exported from Emme using the TMG Toolbox).
Ensure that station nodes being specified are on the transit line itself and are not station centroids.
nwp_fp (Union[str, Path]): File path to the network package.
nwp_fp = Path(nwp_fp)
assert nwp_fp.exists(), f'File `{nwp_fp.as_posix()}` not found.'

with zipfile.ZipFile(nwp_fp) as zf:
results = pd.read_csv('aux_transit_results.csv'), index_col=['i', 'j'], squeeze=True)

station_results = pd.DataFrame(index=sorted(station_line_nodes)) = 'stn_node'

mask_on = results.index.get_level_values(1).isin(station_line_nodes)
station_results['on'] = results.loc[mask_on].groupby(level=1).sum().round(3)

mask_off = results.index.get_level_values(0).isin(station_line_nodes)
station_results['off'] = results.loc[mask_off].groupby(level=0).sum().round(3)

return station_results

def read_nwp_transit_segment_results(nwp_fp: Union[str, Path]) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""A function to read and summarize the transit segment boardings, alightings, and volumes from a Network Package
file (exported from Emme using the TMG Toolbox).
nwp_fp (Union[str, Path]): File path to the network package.
nwp_fp = Path(nwp_fp)
assert nwp_fp.exists(), f'File `{nwp_fp.as_posix()}` not found.'

_, segments = read_nwp_transit_network(nwp_fp)
segments.set_index(['line', 'inode', 'jnode', 'loop'], inplace=True)

with zipfile.ZipFile(nwp_fp) as zf:
results = pd.read_csv('segment_results.csv'), index_col=['line', 'i', 'j', 'loop'])

segments['boardings'] = results['transit_boardings'].round(3)
segments['volume'] = results['transit_volume'].round(3)
n_missing_segments = len(segments[segments['boardings'].isnull()])
if n_missing_segments > 0:
print(f'Found {n_missing_segments} segments with missing results; their results will be set to 0')
segments.fillna(0, inplace=True)

segments['prev_seg_volume'] = segments.groupby('line')['volume'].shift(1).fillna(0)
segments['alightings'] = segments.eval('prev_seg_volume + boardings - volume').round(3)

segments.drop(['dwt', 'ttf', 'us1', 'us2', 'us3', 'prev_seg_volume'], axis=1, inplace=True)
segments = segments[['line', 'inode', 'jnode', 'seg_seq', 'loop', 'boardings', 'alightings', 'volume']].copy()

return segments
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion balsa/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
__version__ = '1.1.0'
__version__ = '1.2.0'

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