- Ubuntu 22.04
- cvxpy==1.4.1
- gurobipy==11.0.3(Note: GUROBI license required)
- tensorflow==2.5.0
Please put the training data fold into the data_istn fold, where the training data path in the code is ./data_itsn/training_itsn_traces
Please also open the .rar files in the training_itsn_traces.
If the implenmentation helps, you might consider cite the refered paper
@ARTICLE{10681564, author={Lin, Jiawei and Wang, Shuoyao}, journal={IEEE Wireless Communications Letters}, title={Adaptive Video Streaming in Integrated Satellite-Terrestrial Networks: A Low-Complexity Model Predictive Control Approach}, year={2024}, volume={13}, number={11}, pages={3237-3241}, keywords={Streaming media;Satellites;Quality of experience;Bit rate;Bandwidth;Rain;Space-air-ground integrated networks;Adaptive video streaming;integrated satellite-terrestrial network;model predictive control}, doi={10.1109/LWC.2024.3462739}}