This is for exploring GoogleCloudPlatform agones.
More info at
This example is a simple Ping/Pong websocket example. The websocket could be used to stream game data to a JS game client.
Start a new cluster. I just use the defaults. Run the gcloud
command to add the cluster to your kubeconfig.
kubectl create clusterrolebinding serviceaccounts-cluster-admin \
--clusterrole=cluster-admin \
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
--clusterrole cluster-admin --user `gcloud config get-value account`
gcloud compute firewall-rules create game-server-firewall \
--allow tcp:7000-8000 \
--description "agones-simple example firewall to allow game server tcp traffic"
kubectl apply -f
Find and replace YOUR_PROJECT_ID
in the Go and YAML files with your
repository project ID. I used the same project that my GKE cluster was created in to make accessing the image repository easy.
sed -i 's/YOUR_PROJECT_ID/example-123456/g' *
make build
make build-image
make push-image
kubectl apply -f yaml/launcher.yaml
kubectl get -n simple-launcher service
Now visit the simple-launcher service. You should see a link to create a new gameserver. After clicking the link, a new gameserver will be created.
The details for the gameserver will load and you will get another link to access the new gameserver instance.
The gameserver instance is a VueJs/WebSocket single page that has a Ping/Pong app that talks to the gameserver. It also has a button for stoppind the gameserver.