This is Version 2 of the ProjectTitanic project, hosted on GitHub. This aim of this project is to design and build a software that enables policy makers and regulators to tract illegal mining (Hereafter referred to as Galamsey) across the world
Data persistence is achieved through the use of a database. This means that as the user is entering input and making changes, the database is continously being altered and querried, to provide the user with up-to-date information. For anyone hoping to run this application on their local servers, the following requirements must be met;
- Must have a running MySQL server
- Must create a database user with the credentialas, user = root, password = 'root'
- Must run the script PROJECT.sql included in this repository to create the required database to which the connection will be made.
The software specification is as follows;
- mysql-connector-java-5.1.48
- mysql-connector-java-8.0.18
- javafx 8
- jdk 8
To run the code;
- Clone the repository
- Navigate to ProjectTitanicGUI/src
- Install the deb file (Ubuntu)
- Ensure that for your Mysql instance, the user "root" has a password of "root".
- Go to the installed programs and run the application named "terra-observatory-manager".
- Launch MySQL server and run the sql script PROJECT.sql with the root user (Make sure password is as specified above)
- In case this does not work, it must be as a result of the java development set up on your locale machine.
- Clone the repository
- Import as an Eclipse project
- Ensure that for your Mysql instance, the user "root" has a password of "root".
- Go to the installed programs and run the application named "terra-observatory-manager".
- Launch MySQL server and run the sql script PROJECT.sql with the root user (Make sure password is as specified above).
- Run the application from Eclipse.