In order to use our platform, first you have to create and run a local instance on your machine, via Docker.
Not to worry though! We have prepared a quick and easy guide on how to do it on your own:
Before going into the guide, you should have Docker and docker-compose installed on your machine. If you haven't, here's Docker's official documentation page, where you'll find anything you might need.
After installing Docker and docker-compose open a Terminal, and clone the repository. You will have to create a .env file, including values of critical environment variables. An example is given in env_example.txt. We strongly recommend to change the default values.
Then, run the following commands:
cd synaisthisi-iot/docker_compose
sudo docker-compose up
Interfaces and Ports:
80: Platform portal and GUI
3000: HTTP/REST/MQTT-Websockets
1883: MQTT
5672: AMQP
5683/UDP: CoAP
8083: tomcat8 (link)
8080: oM2M (link) (more info)
15672: RabbitMQ
1880: NodeRED
When the process is completed, visit localhost from a local browser and you should be able to see the SYNAISTHISI Home page!
Also, check the following SYNAISTHISI user guide video: SYNAISTHISI User Guide
For more advanced users:
To access any container through a terminal that executes on the virtualized environment:
sudo docker exec -ti <container_name> bash
when you need to exit the virtualized environment.
Additional commands that could come in handy...
Stop any container from running:
sudo docker stop <container_name>
Remove the container (Warning! If you want to also delete user accounts, topics, services, etc. you will need to delete the corresponding docker volumes.)
sudo docker rm <container_name>
...and that concludes the guide.
Submitted services are aggregated for research purposes.
You can use any client (e.g., mosquitto, or mqtt-cli, etc.).
You can use any client (e.g., coap-cli, etc.). See also in folder examples/SimplePubSub/coap-cli :
node index.js put coap://<broker-ip>:5683/r/<your topic> -p <message> node index.js get coap://<broker-ip>:5683/r/<your topic>
However, be sure to:
a. Set req.options[2].value of the message to be the username.
b. Set req.options[3].value of the message to be the password
You can use any client or library. However, be sure to include username and password in the headers.
GET -> curl -H "username:[your username]" -H "password:[your password]" http://localhost:3000/resources/\[your_topic\]
PUT -> curl -X PUT -H "username:[your username]" -H "password:[your password]" -d '[your message]' http://localhost:3000/resources/\[your_topic\]
For more info visit our Wiki pages:
Journal paper: Akasiadis, Charilaos, Vassilis Pitsilis, and Constantine D. Spyropoulos. 2019. "A Multi-Protocol IoT Platform Based on Open-Source Frameworks" Sensors, 19, no. 19: 4217.
Conference paper: Pierris, Georgios, Dimosthenis Kothris, Evaggelos Spyrou, and Costas Spyropoulos. 2015. "SYNAISTHISI: an enabling platform for the current internet of things ecosystem". In Proceedings of the 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI '15). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 438–444.
This repository is offered for research purposes. Please do not use this version in applications that require strict privacy, or that broadcast sensitive data.