Releases: xenon-middleware/pyxenon
pyXenon 3.0.3
pyXenon 3.0.2
Upgrade to Xenon version 3.0.4
pyXenon 2.3.1
- bug fix: now creates authentication key pair for each host that pyxenon runs on (thanks to marksantkroos).
pyXenon 2.3.0
Upgrades to Xenon-GRPC 2.3.0
PyXenon 2.2.3
Upgrades Xenon to version 2.6.0
PyXenon 2.2.2-1
Raises version number
PyXenon 2.2.2
- Fixes a bug in Xenon-GRPC mixing up streams in interactive jobs.
PyXenon - Python interface to the Xenon middleware
This release fixes some bugs, adds more documentation, and has a few additions in the API.
- Includes documentation on the adaptors.
- Xenon exceptions are raised in stead of Rpc errors.
- Enums for error_type in JobStatus, QueueStatus and CopyStatus are acting as python Enums.
- Jobs can be constructed by the user.
Complete rewrite of PyXenon
What happened
PyXenon is now a client to the Xenon-GRPC package. We took this step because the different Java-Python bridges (pyjnius, jpype) were giving problems in multi-threaded environments. We now use Google's GRPC to communicate between Python and the Java implementation of Xenon. The Xenon-GRPC JAR file (including Xenon) is included in this distribution.
The new API is documented at ReadTheDocs, it also contains many examples.
At the same time Xenon underwent a redesign, culminating in the release of Xenon 2.0, now 2.2. Since Xenon-GRPC (including Xenon) is included in this distribution, we keep PyXenon version numbers in sync with Xenon. If changes happen to PyXenon without a new release of Xenon, a suffix is added.